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现行 BS EN 13791:2019
Assessment of in-situ compressive strength in structures and precast concrete components 结构和预制混凝土构件的现场抗压强度评估
发布日期: 2020-01-14
本文件: -给出了估算现场抗压强度和强度的方法和程序 特征:结构和预制混凝土构件中混凝土的现场抗压强度,采用直接法(岩芯测试)和间接法,如超声波脉冲速度、回弹数; 注:与设计标准EN 1992-1-1一致,其中抗压强度基于2:1 圆柱体的抗压强度以直径为2:1的岩心为基础≥ 75毫米。 -提供原则和指导,以建立来自 间接试验方法和现场抗压强度; -提供评估抗压强度等级符合性的程序和指南 在标准测试表明存在疑问或 执行质量有疑问的地方。交叉引用:EN 12504-2EN 12504-1EN 13670EN 12390-2EN 12390-3EN 12350-1EN 12504-4EN 1990:2002EN 206:2013+A1:2016EN 13369:2018EN 1992-1-1:2004CEN/TR 17086ISO/IEC 17025EN 12390-7EN 1998-3购买本文件时提供的所有现行修订件均包含在购买本文件中。
This document: — gives methods and procedures for the estimation of thein situcompressive strength and characteristicin situcompressive strength of concrete in structures and precast concrete components using direct methods (core testing) and indirect methods, e.g. ultra-sonic pulse velocity, rebound number; NOTE To align with the design standard EN 1992-1-1, where the compressive strength is based on 2:1 cylinders, thein situcompressive strength is based in 2:1 cores of diameter ≥ 75 mm. — provides principles and guidance for establishing the relationships between test results from indirect test methods and the in situ compressive strength; — provides procedures and guidance for assessing the conformity with the compressive strength class of concrete supplied to structures under construction where standard tests indicate doubt or where the quality of execution is in doubt.Cross References:EN 12504-2EN 12504-1EN 13670EN 12390-2EN 12390-3EN 12350-1EN 12504-4EN 1990:2002EN 206:2013+A1:2016EN 13369:2018EN 1992-1-1:2004CEN/TR 17086ISO/IEC 17025EN 12390-7EN 1998-3All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.
发布单位或类别: 英国-英国标准学会