This powerpoint presentation begins by presenting a brief overview of the reuse of treated wastewater and reuse applications. The impact of organic carbon and regrowth is outlined, along with study objectives that include: survey treated wastewater effluents - focus on regrowth
drivers and treatment process in 21 effluent samples;
intensive 12-month survey at 4 facilities - treatment, storage
and distribution impacts on key drivers of microbial growth; and,
disinfection study - deploy pipe loops at 4 facilities to test
disinfection strategies on regrowth drivers and microbial
densities. Experimental methods included assimilable organic carbon (AOC) bioluminescence. Results of the wastewater survey are presented, along with results of disinfection studies. Conclusions indicate the following: the rapid bioluminescence method for AOC was successful for
measuring the biostability of reclaimed waters; the levels of natural organic matter had a dramatic impact on
the microbiology of reclaimed water; membrane bioreactors effectively reduce AOC and BDOC levels,
confirmed high quality of effluent - data suggests that other
technologies can be operated to produce similar quality; activated sludge technology - capable of producing effluent
with low levels of biodegradable organic carbon; open storage and disinfection increase AOC and BDOC levels; and, anaerobic conditions, sulfide production.
Includes figures.