This publication is intended to assist Operators, Contractors, and Subcontractors (Third Parties) in the implementation of a Contractor safety program and improve the overall safety performance while preserving the independent contractor relationship. It is intended for the Upstream segment of the petroleum industry; however, since the Operator requirements and the contracted work are diverse, this publication may not be applicable to all operations at each company or to all contract work performed in those operations.Many oil and gas exploration and production companies contract for equipment and personnel services for a wide range of activities, including drilling, production, well servicing, equipment repair, maintenance, and construction. Certain activities of Contractors have the potential to place either Contractor and/or Operator personnel and/or equipment at risk. It is important that operations are carried out in a safe manner.
Operators and Contractors need to provide safe work places and to protect the safety of their workforces and the general public. When they work together to improve safety, both benefit.