Electrical Equipment for Laboratory Use: Part 2: Particular Requirements for Laboratory Atomic Spectrometers with Thermal Atomization and Ionization
Electrical Equipment for Laboratory Use; Part 2: Particular Requirements for Laboratory Atomic Spectrometers with Thermal Atomization and IonizationUL 61010A-2-0611 Scope and objectThis clause of part 1 is applicable except as follows:1.1 ScopeReplacement:Replace the complete text by the following:This International Standard applies to electrically powered laboratory atomic spectrometers with thermal atomization.NOTE - Examples include atomic absorption spectrometers, emission flame photometers, atomic fluorescence spectrophotometers, inductively coupled plasma spectrometers, microwave coupled plasma spectrometers, and mass spectrometers, all with thermal atomization and ionization (including tubing and connectors which are provided by the manufacturer for connection to external supplies).1.1.2 Equipment excluded from scopeAddition:Add the following new dash:- thermal atomization detectors (flame ionization detectors) used in gas chromatography.