This slide presentation outlines a project where Arsenic Rule design decisions affected full-scale construction costs at Victor Valley Water District (VVWD) in California. The presentation outline included: background on VVWD;
initial technology evaluation that included iron based sorbents,
coagulation/filtration, and ion exchange;
focused technology evaluation based on performance and economic analyses determined that C/F and IX deserved more thorough evaluation, RFP issued
with two tasks of
comparing C/F versus IX and
design of selected technology, non-economic evaluation criteria,
economic evaluation criteria;
other factors;
final selection;
pilot testing;
selected technology including coagulation/filtration;
residual disposal options including sewer discharge for all or part of
backwash water,
haul off liquid waste, mechanical/chemical treatment of waste, and
drying beds;
hydraulic considerations; and,
design becomes (virtual) reality. Includes tables, figures.