Procedure for Determining Luminaire Efficacy Ratings for Commercial, Non-Residential Downlight Luminaires
NEMA LE 5A-1999提供了一种标准化试验方法,用于测定白炽灯、紧凑型荧光灯和低瓦数高强度放电筒灯灯具的灯具效率额定值。当根据EPAct 1992对夹具进行评级时,使用本标准。对于其他用途,请参见NEMA LE 6,这是一个更新的灯具效能标准,取代了LE 5系列。
NEMA LE 5A-1999 provides a standardized test method for determining the luminaire efficacy rating of incandescent, compact fluorescent and low-wattage high-intensity discharge downlight luminaries.When rating a fixture in accordance with EPAct 1992, use this standard. For other purposes, see NEMA LE 6, a newer standard for luminaire efficacy that supersedes the LE 5 series.