Colloidal Fouling of Reverse Osmosis Membranes: Experimental Results, Fouling Mechanisms, and Implications for Water Treatment
Numerous theoretical and experimental studies have been conducted to understand the mechanisms of colloidal fouling in membrane processes. The majority of published research in this area, however, focused primarily on microfiltration (MF) and ultrafiltration (UF) processes. Only a few experimental studies on colloidal fouling of reverse osmosis (RO) membranes are available in the literature. Furthermore, most published works on colloidal fouling of RO membranes have overlooked the significance of colloidal interactions. The objectives of the present study are: to present the results of colloidal fouling experiments with various model colloidal suspensions and solution chemistries using a laboratory RO test unit; to describe the effect of colloidal fouling on water flux and salt passage through RO membranes; and to delineate the mechanisms involved in colloidal fouling.