ISO 2603:2016为新建和现有建筑中的同声传译建筑和翻新永久展位提供了要求和建议。本文件还确保了所有口译员,包括有特殊需求的口译员的展台的可用性和可访问性。
结合本文件或ISO 4043,ISO 20108和ISO 20109为提供给口译员和展位所需设备的声音和图像的质量和传输提供了相关要求
ISO 2603:2016 provides requirements and recommendations for building and renovating permanent booths for simultaneous interpreting in new and existing buildings. This document also ensures the usability and accessibility of booths for all interpreters, including those with special needs.
It is applicable to all types of permanent booths, using built-in or portable equipment.
In conjunction with either this document or ISO 4043, ISO 20108 and ISO 20109 provide the relevant requirements both for the quality and transmission of sound and image provided to interpreters and for the equipment needed in the booths.