This wide-ranging article provides a generalized
overview of broad trends in the water
industry, including expected drivers of future
growth, not the least of which will be ever-increasing
demand as population, economic
output, and standards of living continue to
increase and the supply of water remains fixed.
The article also comes with a warning that
we have been careless with our most precious
natural resource. Unless we are willing to
make some changes in our habits and ante up
the money to pay for something closer to
what it really costs to produce and deliver our
water, we may find that in the not-too-distant
future it will not be so readily available.
Utilities need to learn how to better market
the value of the product they produce - water -
so that a cost-conscious and skeptical public is
more appreciative and aware of the fact that
clean water is not a simple, free luxury. It costs
money to produce, it will cost more in the
future, and it is well worth it.