Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Conditions for testing the protection against dust and water ingress of passive optical protective housings and hardened fibre optic connectors (IP5X, IPX4, IPX5, IPX6)
纤维光学互连器件和无源元件.无源光学保护外壳和硬化纤维光学连接器(IP5X IPX4 IPX5 IPX6)防尘和防水试验条件
IEC TS 63334:2021 which is a technical specification, defines the conditions for testing the protection against dust and water ingress of passive optical protective housings and hardened fibre optic connectors (IP5X, IPX4, IPX5, IPX6) performed according to IEC 60529. The conditions in this document supplement the test requirements specified in IEC 60529. Protective housings and hardened connectors containing electrical conductors, electrical connections, passive electrical components, active electrical equipment or electronics that transmit signals or provide power are not within the scope of this document.