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现行 RP-991
Simulation of Source Energy Utilization and Emissions for HVAC Systems 暖通空调系统的源能量利用和排放模拟
在国际和国内,人们越来越关注发电系统和用电系统对环境的影响。在美国,《清洁空气法》强制减少了发电厂的排放,这些排放导致了潜在的全球气候变化和酸雨。此外,《蒙特利尔议定书》还规定了一项积极的逐步淘汰氯化氟碳化合物的计划(这直接影响到全世界绝大多数的装机冷却能力)。 这种环境立法对电力供应和电力需求都有影响。本研究项目的目标是量化能源消耗和因空间调节(加热和冷却)而产生的排放,该设施配置了各种暖通空调设备选项。暖通空调系统选项将包括直接为负载服务的设备(非存储系统)以及基于热能存储的系统。 将量化各种终端使用技术产生的年度能源和总排放量。Douglas T. Reindl:美国威斯康星大学:1999年1998年4月-一月主办:TC 6.9,蓄热
Internationally and domestically, more attention is being focused on the environmental impact of systems that generate electricity as well as those that consume the electricity. In the United States, The Clean Air Act has forced reductions in power plant emissions that are contributing to potential global climate changes and acid rain. In addition, the Montreal Protocol has dictated an aggressive phase-out plan for chlorinated fluorocarbons (which directly affect the vast majority of installed cooling capacity throughout the world). Such environmental legislation has repercussions on both the electric supply-side and electric demand-side. The objective of this research project is to quantify the source energy consumed and the emissions produced as a result of energy used for space conditioning (both heating and cooling) a facility configured with various HVAC equipment options. The HVAC system options will include equipment directly serving loads (non-storage systems) as well as thermal energy storage based systems. Annual source energy and total emissions produced as a result of the various end-use technologies will be quantified.PRINCAL INVESTIGATOR: Douglas T. Reindl, University of WisconsinCONDUCTED:April 1998 - January 1999SPONSORED BY:TC 6.9, Thermal Storage