This powerpoint presentation presents a project by the City of Plantation, Florida, to identify an alternative water source. Indirect Potable Reuse -
Aquifer Recharge was chosen. Issues for consideration in the selection of groundwater recharge through surface water discharge with the Plantation pilot included: nutrient control; MBR scheme data; conventional treatment scheme data; microconstituents; and, aquatic organism impact toxicity. Presentation summary indicates: the pilot demonstrated to meet stringent nutrient
limits at different test conditions;
RO membranes are necessary for surface water
discharge due to stringent TP limits;
almost all microconstituents were removed by
RO system;
RO permeate could be toxic re-stabilization/remineralization
is necessary; and,
the observed toxicity to aquatic organisms was likely
caused by chloramines. Other forms of RO pretreatment
should be evaluated. Includes figures.