76/257/EEC: Commission Opinion of 17 February 1976 addressed to the Government of the Kingdom of Belgium on two ministerial decrees of 29 October 1975, one governing cross-frontier transport to France and the Netherlands by inland waterway, the other amending the conditions under which vessels engaged in the carriage of goods for own account are freed from the control of the freighting rota offices of the Office régulateur de la Navigation intéri
76/257/EEC:1976年2月17日委员会就1975年10月29日的两项部长令向比利时王国政府提出的意见 其中一项关于通过内河运输到法国和荷兰的跨界运输 另一项修正案规定 从事自营货物运输的船舶不受国际航行局货运代理办公室的控制
76/257/EEC: Commission Opinion of 17 February 1976 addressed to the Government of the Kingdom of Belgium on two ministerial decrees of 29 October 1975, one governing cross-frontier transport to France and the Netherlands by inland waterway, the other amending the conditions under which vessels engaged in the carriage of goods for own account are freed from the control of the freighting rota offices of the Office régulateur de la Navigation intérieure (Central Office for Inland Waterway Transport)