This powerpoint presentation reports on a Catskill turbidity control study in New York state. Storm events in the
Schoharie and Ashokan
watersheds lead to periodic
elevated turbidity levels in the
Catskill system. The overall study goal was to develop
a comprehensive analysis of
engineering and structural
alternatives at the Schoharie
Reservoir that may reduce
turbidity levels entering
Esopus Creek. topics covered include: Reservoir Modeling Framework;
Reservoir Water Quality Model;
Reservoir System Operations Model;
Evaluation of Alternatives;
Temperature; and,
Cost/Benefits. Study conclusions found that: a
powerful modeling framework enabled a robust, performance-based
evaluation of possible alternatives that
captures feedback between system operation and reservoir
water quality, and
captures a wide range (57 years) of forcing conditions and gives
a more accurate picture of long-term performance;
models are critical for sound decision-making in complex systems; and,
worthwhile evaluating alternatives using a robust modeling
framework before making major capital decisions. Includes tables, figures.