Fixed firefighting systems. Condensed aerosol extinguishing systems-Requirements and test methods for components
固定消防系统 浓缩气溶胶灭火系统 部件的要求和试验方法
BS EN 15276-1:2019规定了冷凝气溶胶灭火系统组件的要求和试验方法。交叉引用:EN 2ISO 5660-1EN 15276-2EN 60068-2-30:2005EN 60068-2-6:2008IEC 60068-2-30:2005IEC 60068-2-6:2007ISO 9001EN ISO 9001ISO 209:2007购买本文件时提供的所有现行修订均包含在购买本文件中。
BS EN 15276-1:2019 specifies requirements and test methods for condensed aerosol extinguishing system components.Cross References:EN 2ISO 5660-1EN 15276-2EN 60068-2-30:2005EN 60068-2-6:2008IEC 60068-2-30:2005IEC 60068-2-6:2007ISO 9001EN ISO 9001ISO 209:2007All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.