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现行 CH-18-C065
Simulation Study of Active Ceilings with Phase Change Material in Office Buildings for Different National Building 不同国家建筑办公楼相变材料主动吊顶的模拟研究
本研究的目的是在不同的丹麦建筑法规下,检查办公室活动天花板中相变材料(PCM)在供暖和制冷方面的性能。模拟了一个两人办公室的模型,其中唯一的加热和冷却源是包含PCM的辐射天花板。目标是减少模拟模型的能源使用,并且仍然满足欧洲标准EN 15251:2007第二类的推荐标准,即夏季23°C-26°C(73.4°F-78.8°F),冬季20°C-24°C(68.0°F-73.4°F)。对办公室模型进行了全年模拟,并针对三项丹麦建筑法规BR10(2010)、BR15(2015)和BR20(2020)进行了分析。结果表明,根据EN 15251的规定,整个入住期内的室内环境均在所需的II类范围内。 在BR10、BR15和BR20一年中95%的占用时间内,预测的不满意百分比(PPD)低于EN15251第二类的预期10%。PCM型号的使用使BR10的能耗降低了45%,BR15降低了35%,而BR20则增加了17%。结果表明,集成PCM的活动顶棚有助于保持良好的室内热环境,同时降低能耗。这证明了PCM在未来低能耗建筑中实现严格能源框架要求的巨大潜力。引文:2018年冬季会议,伊利诺伊州芝加哥,会议论文
The aim of this study was to examine the performance of phase change material (PCM) in active ceilings for an office room under different Danish building regulations for both heating and cooling purposes. A model of a two-person office room was simulated with the only heating and cooling source being radiant ceiling panels containing PCM. The target was to reduce energy use for the simulation models and still meet the recommended criteria of Category II for the European Standard EN 15251:2007namely, 23°C - 26°C (73.4°F - 78.8°F) during summer and between 20°C - 24°C (68.0°F - 73.4°F) during winter. The office model was simulated for a whole year and analyzed for three Danish building regulations BR10 (2010), BR15 (2015) and BR20 (2020). The results show that the indoor environment was within the desired Category II, according to EN 15251 for the whole occupancy period. The predicted percentage of dissatisfied (PPD) was below the desired 10% for Class II of EN15251during 95% of the occupied hours in a year for BR10, 94% for BR15 and 100% for BR20. The use of PCM model decreased energy use by 45% for BR10, 35% for BR15, while it increased by 17% for BR20. The results indicate that active ceilings with integrated PCM could help maintain a satisfactory thermal indoor environment while reducing the energy use. This demonstrated a great potential for PCM to be used to achieve strict energy frame requirements for future low energy buildings.
发布单位或类别: 未知国家-其他未分类