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现行 ICER16-01
Performance Evaluation of Solar Flat Plate Collector under Climatic Conditions of Islamabad Pakistan 巴基斯坦伊斯兰堡气候条件下太阳能平板集热器的性能评估
针对巴基斯坦的气候条件,设计了一种实用的吸附式热制冷机组,采用平板收集器,以活性炭和甲醇对作为吸附剂和制冷剂。本文介绍了巴基斯坦伊斯兰堡气候条件下的集热器性能,并进行了实时测试,随后建立了数学模型。数学模型中使用了实时数据来评估收集器的性能。在冬季,12月份的最高收集器温度达到68摄氏度(154.4华氏度),当时环境温度为7摄氏度(44.3华氏度),最高效率为44%。从给定的结果可以预计,由于环境温度较高,收集器的有效性将在夏季增加。 引文:2016年3月14日至16日在科威特召开的第六届国际能源研究与开发会议
Practical adsorption thermal refrigeration unit has been designed for the climatic conditions of Pakistan using Flat plate collector with activated carbon and methanol pair as adsorbent and refrigerant. This paper represents the collector performance in climatic conditions of Islamabad Pakistan with real time testing followed by a mathematical model. Real time data has been used in the mathematical model to evaluate the collector performance. In winter maximum collector temperature reached 68 Degree Celsius (154.4°F) in the month of December when ambient temperature was 7 degree Celsius (44.3°F )with maximum efficiency that is 44%. It can be anticipated from the given results that effectiveness of the collector will increase in summer season due to higher ambient temperatures.
发布单位或类别: 未知国家-其他未分类