Nuclear facilities - Instrumentation and control systems important to safety - Centralized systems for continuous monitoring of radiation and/or levels of radioactivity
IEC 61504:2017 supplements IEC 61559-1 and includes radiation monitoring functions important to safety that are outside the scope of IEC 61559-1. It applies to centralized systems having a direct role in the achievement or maintenance of radiation protection in nuclear facilities. These systems perform functions such as:
- radiation protection of plant discharge; interlock of control functions to prevent or to mitigate accidental release of radioactive material;
- radiation and environmental monitoring functions to support monitoring of and response to accidents;
- provide information to process control or safety systems for use in control or interlock functions. This new edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
- it supplements IEC 61559-1 and integrates IEC 61559-2;
- it describes integration of functions including equipment covered by other IEC standards.