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现行 BS 1768:1963
Specification for Unified precision hexagon bolts, screws, & nuts (UNC & UNF threads). Normal series 统一精密六角螺栓、螺钉和螺母(UNC和UNF螺纹)规范 正规级数
发布日期: 1963-09-17
3/16英寸至2英寸的尺寸和一般要求。螺栓、螺钉、普通螺母、厚普通螺母、锁紧螺母、开槽螺母、厚开槽螺母的尺寸。中等或更大尺寸的螺栓、螺钉头和螺母的尺寸计算公式。适用于黑色和有色金属螺栓、螺钉、螺母,对于钢,指的是最低抗拉强度高达75 tonf/in^2的适当质量。制造要求,包括脱碳和轧制搭接,钢螺栓、螺钉、螺母的机械性能和试验。列出了适用于各种制造方法的钢材;测试夹具和推荐量规、最可能储存的螺栓和螺钉的标准尺寸、指定为螺栓的最短长度、识别标记。交叉引用: BS 18BS 131:第1BS 240部分:第1BS 860BS 919部分:第1BS 969BS 970部分:第1BS 1574BS 1580部分:第1部分,第2BS 1769BS 3111部分:第1BS 3410部分
Dimensions, general requirements for 3/16 in to 2 in. Dimensions for bolts, screws, ordinary nuts, thick ordinary nuts, lock nuts, slotted nuts, thick slotted nuts. Formulae for calculation of dimensions for bolt and screw heads and nuts in intermediate or larger sizes. Applies to ferrous and non-ferrous bolts, screws, nuts and, for steel, refers to appropriate qualities up to 75 tonf/in^2 minimum tensile strength. Manufacturing requirements, including decarburization and rolling laps, mechanical properties and tests for steel bolts, screws, nuts. Steels suitable for various methods of manufacture are listed; testing fixtures and recommended gauges, standard sizes of bolts and screws most likely to be stocked, shortest lengths designated as bolts, identification marking.Cross References:BS 18BS 131:Part 1BS 240:Part 1BS 860BS 919:Part 1BS 969BS 970:Part 1BS 1574BS 1580:Parts 1 & 2BS 1769BS 3111:Part 1BS 3410
发布单位或类别: 英国-英国标准学会