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现行 ASTM B1027-24
Standard Guide for Obtaining a Representative Sample of Copper and Copper Alloy in Particulate Form for Analysis 获得用于分析的颗粒形式的铜和铜合金的代表性样品的标准指南
发布日期: 2024-07-01
1.1 本指南介绍了获取小颗粒形式的铜和铜合金废料代表性样品进行分析的程序。该方法用于(但不限于)使用原子发射光谱法(AES)测定化学成分,但也可以根据实验室样品制备使用其他测试方法。本指南对用户检查的批次进行综合分析。 1.2 本指南还旨在根据铜和铜合金废料颗粒的收集方式以及产品的交付方式,适用于不同情况的不同技术。 1.3 本标准并不旨在解决与其使用相关的所有安全问题(如有)。本标准的使用者有责任在使用前制定适当的安全、健康和环境实践,并确定监管限制的适用性。 1.4 本国际标准是根据世界贸易组织技术性贸易壁垒委员会发布的《关于制定国际标准、指南和建议的原则的决定》中确立的国际公认的标准化原则制定的。 ====意义和用途====== 4.1 本指南主要用于颗粒铜和铜合金材料的取样,以符合成分规范要求。“颗粒状碎屑”通常指电线和电缆,但也可能包括其他形式和应用的铜,如但不限于变压器绕组、水管、散热器和薄板。本指南也适用于已经参与的许多材料- 接收状态,即未进行机械加工,如车削、刨削、灰尘和细料。 4.2 粒子 3. / 4. 根据本指南,建议以“碎屑”或“颗粒”的形式进行采样。较大的颗粒可能有助于其他检查方法,包括视觉检查,由用户自行决定。 4.3 收到的颗粒材料包装可能因托运人和收货人的能力而异。在禁闭区,通常使用gaylord或集装箱箱,但有些货物可能是松散的、未包装的,可以倾倒在地板上进行检查。 4.4 各种物理采样技术都适用:例如,铲土以填充铲斗,或使用管道采样器或螺旋钻获得代表十字形全高样本的岩芯样本- 根据惯例的废料部分 B215 .实践中描述和描述的工具 B215 ,在此适用(但不限于),包括: 4.4.1 样品或溜槽分离器; 4.4.2 槽式或管式采样器; 4.4.3 勺子; 4.4.4 旋转的即兴演奏者。 4.5 鼓励用户阅读实践 B215 第5节“仪器”,用于描述可能适用于铜颗粒材料取样的设备。 4.6 也可以使用气动抽吸器来收集样本,如所示 图2 在下面 4.11 同样作为指南,用户应考虑每5000磅取样一次以上。 4.12 用户可以根据感知到的供应风险,选择上调或下调其集装箱采样制度。例如,如果已知材料来源或产生材料的过程是由唯一的供应商、材料和加工单位专用的,用户可以采用标准操作程序,允许降低采样率或完全放弃测试。 另一方面,用户可以出于任何原因选择增加采样制度,例如当装载物中的容器明显不一致时,当给定装载物的质量保证实践无法验证时(如代理装载物),或者当给定来源的一致性历史表明时。 4.13 上述建议的采样率不适用于重新测试。
1.1 This guide covers the procedures of acquiring a representative sample of copper and copper alloy scrap in the form of small particles for analysis. This method is for (but not limited to) determining the chemical composition using Atomic Emission Spectroscopy (AES), but other methods of tests may also be used depending on laboratory sample preparation. This guide addresses a composite analysis of the lot examined by the user. 1.2 This guide is also intended to be adaptable and work with different techniques that might be appropriate for different situations based on how copper and copper alloy scrap particles are collected and how the product is delivered. 1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety, health, and environmental practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. 1.4 This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for the Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee. ====== Significance And Use ====== 4.1 This guide is intended primarily for the sampling of particulated copper and copper alloy material for compliance with compositional specification requirements. “Granulated chops” commonly refers to wire and cable, but it may also include other forms and applications of copper such as, but not limited to, transformer windings, plumbing tube, radiators, and sheet. This guide also applies to lots of material that are already particulated in the as-received condition, that is, not subjected to mechanical processing such as turnings, shavings, dust, and fines. 4.2 Particles 3 / 4 in. and down in their largest dimension are recommended for sampling as “chops” or “particulates” in accordance with this guide. Larger particles may lend themselves to other methods of inspection, including visual, at the discretion of the user. 4.3 As-received particulated material packaging may vary as a function of the shippers’ and receivers’ capabilities. In areas of confinement, gaylord or container boxes are commonly used, but some shipments can be loose and unpackaged that can be dumped onto the floor for inspection. 4.4 Various physical sampling techniques are applicable: for example, shoveling to fill a bucket, or use of a pipe sampler or auger to obtain a core sample, representative of a full height sample of the cross-section of scrap in accordance with Practices B215 . Tools described and depicted in Practices B215 , and applicable here (but not limited to), include: 4.4.1 Sample or chute splitters; 4.4.2 Slot or tube samplers; 4.4.3 Scoops; 4.4.4 Spinning rifflers. 4.5 Users are encouraged to read Practices B215 Section 5 “Apparatus” for descriptions of equipment that may be applicable to sampling particulated copper material. 4.6 Pneumatic aspirators may also be employed to gather samples, as shown in Fig. 2 below. 4.11 Also as a guide, users should consider sampling no less than once per 5000 lb. 4.12 Users may choose to adapt their container sampling regime up or down depending on the perceived risk of the supply. For example, users may adopt a standard operating procedure that permits a reduced sampling rate or a waiver of testing altogether where the source of material or the process generating the material is known to be dedicated from a sole supplier, material and processing unit. On the other hand, users may choose to increase their sampling regime for any reason, such as when the containers in a load are visibly inconsistent, when the quality assurance practices for a given load cannot be verified (as with brokered loads), or when indicated by the conformance history of a given source. 4.13 The above suggested rate of sampling does not apply to re-testing.
归口单位: B05.08