Chester Water Implements Customer Information and Billing System and Performance Measures System to Improve Operations
切斯特水务公司实施客户信息和计费系统以及绩效评估系统 以改善运营
Chester Water Authority (CWA) in Pennsylvania recently implemented a customerinformation and billing system, which serves approximately 37,000+ customers. Thebusiness office wanted to continue improving operations within its department. Aperformance measures application was identified in a procedural review and assessmentof the business office. Performance measures were further defined based on the operatingmission of the customer service department and data requests from senior management.The balanced scorecard methodology for developing measures was followed. Thismethod included not just financial measures but also measures of client and employeesatisfaction and development of the organization. Two phases, the first of which iscompleted and being used, were identified with real-time data links being made withseveral sources. These include the phone system (PBX), the new billing system, andmanually entered data.Some of the data requirements include: number of customer telephone calls byrepresentative; number of customer walk-ins by representative; number of customerothers; number of service orders total; number of service orders cleared; number ofservice orders pending; number of service orders by event type; number of service ordersby event type by day received by representative; number of service orders by event typeby appointment date; and, number of pending service orders past appointment date byrepresentative. Future data requirements include fees paid to a collection agency anddelinquency (number of delinquent and unit dollar value, number of terminations and unitdollar value, number of physically turned off and unit dollar value, number of turned offthen turned on and unit dollar recovered, and number of customer staff training).A database application was also designed and developed that gathers the data in real timeand makes it available to CWA staff at their desktop. The application allows users to sortand view data in several ways including: sort by date range; graph; export to aspreadsheet; and, email data reports. Includes figure.