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现行 SA-12-C027
Investigating the Performance of Two Types of Solar Domestic Water Heating (SDWH) Systems with Drain Water Heat Recovery through Computer Simulation and Experimental Analysis 通过计算机模拟和实验分析 研究了两种具有排水热回收的太阳能生活热水系统的性能
本文的目的是研究两种不同类型的太阳能生活热水(SDHW)系统的性能,一种是燃气锅炉作为辅助热源,另一种是电水箱作为辅助热源,并调查系统的不同组成部分在降低每天生产225升(59.4加仑)家用热水的年能源需求和温室气体排放方面的贡献。该系统适用于位于加拿大安大略省沃恩的双原型住宅。根据实验分析,燃气锅炉和电储罐的年能耗分别为3718.7 kWh(12.69 MBtu)和2778 kWh(9.48 MBtu)。建立了两个系统的TRNSYS模型,并用实验结果进行了验证。使用安大略省多伦多市典型加拿大家庭的TRNSYS模型,得出燃气锅炉和电动备用水箱的年能耗为3636。 分别为9kWh(12.41 MBtu)和2681.5 kWh(9.15 MBtu)。平板和真空管太阳能热收集器的年热能输出分别为2010.8 kWh(6.86 MBtu)和1390.6 kWh(4.74 MBtu)。得出结论,取水热回收(DWHR)装置的年热回收率为792.8 kWh(2.7 MBtu)。引用:ASHRAE Trans。,第118卷第。德克萨斯州圣安东尼奥2号
The objective of this paper is to investigate the performance of two different types of Solar Domestic Hot Water (SDHW) systems, one with a gasboiler as the auxiliary heating source and the other with an electric tank as the auxiliary heating source, and to investigate the contributions ofdifferent components of the systems in lowering the annual energy demand and GHG emissions for producing 225 litres (59.4 gal) per day ofdomestic hot water. The systems are for the twin Archetype Houses located in Vaughan, Ontario, Canada. The annual energy consumption of thegas boiler and electric tank from the experimental analysis were to be 3718.7 kWh (12.69 MBtu) and 2778 kWh (9.48 MBtu), respectively.The TRNSYS models of the two systems were also created and validated with the experimental results. Using the TRNSYS models for a typicalCanadian household in Toronto, Ontario, the annual energy consumption by the gas boiler and electric backup tank were concluded to be 3636.9kWh (12.41 MBtu) and 2681.5 kWh (9.15 MBtu), respectively. The annual thermal energy output by the flat plate and evacuated tube solarthermal collectors were found to 2010.8 kWh (6.86 MBtu) and 1390.6 kWh (4.74 MBtu), respectively. The annual heat recovery by theDrain Water Heat recovery (DWHR) units were concluded to be 792.8 kWh (2.7 MBtu).
发布单位或类别: 未知国家-其他未分类