Machine tools safety — Presses — Part 3: Safety requirements for hydraulic presses
机床安全 - 压力机 - 第3部分:液压机的苛刻要求
除ISO 16092-3:2017外,ISO 16092-1还规定了设计、制造和供应液压机的人员应采取的技术安全要求和措施,这些液压机旨在加工冷金属或部分由冷金属制成的材料。
ISO 16092-3:2017规定了液压机按预期使用时以及在制造商可合理预见的误用条件下的所有重大危险(见第4条)。ISO 12100:2010,5.4中所述的机械寿命的所有阶段都已考虑在内。
ISO 16092-3:2017, in addition to ISO 16092?1, specifies the technical safety requirements and measures to be adopted by persons undertaking the design, manufacture and supply of hydraulic presses which are intended to work cold metal or material partly made up of cold metal.
The presses covered by this document range in size from small high-speed machines with a single operator producing small workpieces to large relatively slow-speed machines with several operators and large complex workpieces.
ISO 16092-3:2017 deals with all significant hazards relevant for hydraulic presses when they are used as intended and under the conditions of misuse which are reasonably foreseeable by the manufacturer (see Clause 4). All the phases of the lifetime of the machinery as described in ISO 12100:2010, 5.4 have been taken into consideration.