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现行 ISO 19377:2017
Heavy commercial vehicles and buses — Emergency braking on a defined path — Test method for trajectory measurement 重型商用车辆和公共汽车 - 在规定路径上的紧急制动 - 轨迹测量的测试方法
发布日期: 2017-12-04
ISO 19377:2017描述了在紧急制动系统诱导的制动操纵过程中,确定车辆行驶路径偏离预定预期路径的试验方法。本文件旨在评估系统干预期间和之后的车辆路径。驾驶员或转向机或驾驶员辅助系统都可以采取纠正转向措施,使车辆保持在所需的路径上。通过将本文件开放用于开环或闭环测试,可以应用测试方法来评估系统干预后车辆在用户定义的车道标记内的保持情况,以及评估紧急制动系统和主动车道保持系统之间相互作用的精度。 本文件适用于配备高级紧急制动系统(AEBS)的重型车辆,包括商用车、商用车组合、,ISO 3833中定义的客车和铰接式客车(根据ECE和EC车辆分类,M3、N2、N3、O3和O4类,最大重量超过3.5吨的卡车和拖车,以及最大重量超过5吨的客车和铰接式客车)。 注:试验方法旨在评估整个车辆性能,而不是定义AEBS的系统要求,这是在ISO/TC 204制定的相应标准中完成的。
ISO 19377:2017 describes test methods for determining the deviation of the path travelled by a vehicle during a braking manoeuvre induced by an emergency braking system from a pre-defined desired path. The purpose of this document is the evaluation of the vehicle path during and following the system intervention. The corrective steering actions for keeping the vehicle on the desired path can be applied either by the driver or by a steering machine or by a driver assistance system. By making this document open for either open-loop or closed-loop testing, it is possible to apply the test method for evaluating how well the vehicle can be kept within user-defined lane markings after the system intervention, and also for evaluating the precision of the interaction between the emergency braking system and an active lane keeping system. This document applies to heavy vehicles equipped with an advanced emergency braking system (AEBS), including commercial vehicles, commercial vehicle combinations, buses and articulated buses as defined in ISO 3833 (trucks and trailers with maximum weight above 3,5 tonnes and buses and articulated buses with maximum weight above 5 tonnes, according to ECE and EC vehicle classification, categories M3, N2, N3, O3 and O4). NOTE The test method is intended to evaluate the entire vehicle behaviour, not for defining system requirements for the AEBS, which is done in the respective standards created by ISO/TC 204.
归口单位: ISO/TC 22/SC 33