Non-destructive testing — Ultrasonic testing — Characterization and verification of ultrasonic thickness measuring equipment
ISO 16831:2012规定了使用脉冲回波超声测量厚度的仪器性能评估方法和验收标准。
ISO 16831:2012涵盖了使用单或双元件探头的直接(数字)读取和波形显示类型。
当用于厚度测量时,ISO 16831:2012可用于验证EN 12668所涵盖的设备。
ISO 16831:2012 specifies methods and acceptance criteria for assessing the performance of instruments for measuring thickness using pulse-echo ultrasound.
ISO 16831:2012 covers both direct (digital) reading and waveform display types using single or dual element probes.
ISO 16831:2012 can be used for verifying equipment covered by EN 12668 when used for thickness measurement.