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现行 ISO 37154:2017
Smart community infrastructures — Best practice guidelines for transportation 智能社区基础设施 - 运输最佳做法指南
发布日期: 2017-08-21
ISO 37154:2017为智能交通系统和基础设施的规划、设计、开发、组织、监控、维护和改进过程提供了一般指导,有助于促进解决城市内部和城市间问题,即影响生活质量、环境或城市绩效任何其他方面的城市内外问题。ISO 37154:2017适用于用于人员、货物或其他货物移动的运输基础设施,包括用于运输的物品。 ISO 37154:2017适用于城市规划师和其他社区决策者、政府官员、保险提供商、投资和融资组织、交通运营商和服务提供商以及交通设备制造商。特别是,ISO 37154:2017旨在供参与交通方式决策的人员使用,以满足与可承受性、便利性、低环境影响和可靠性相关的目标,同时满足不同利益相关者群体的需求,包括城市居民、游客、政府当局、交通运营商。 ISO 37154:2017通过考虑影响社区的因素,如人口、人口统计、地点、当地文化和历史,解决了智能交通问题。它涉及通过智能交通解决方案实现的服务范围、功能和目标。ISO 37154:2017不包含设施运输资产施工的技术规范。
ISO 37154:2017 provides general guidance on the planning, design, development, organization, monitoring, maintenance and improvement process of smart transportation systems and infrastructures, which can help promote solutions for intra- and inter-city issues, i.e. for issues both within and outside the city that impact quality of life, the environment or any other areas of city performance. ISO 37154:2017 applies to transportation infrastructures used for the movement of people, freight or other goods, including items transported for delivery. ISO 37154:2017 is intended for use by city planners and other community decision makers, government officials, insurance providers, investment and financing organizations, transportation operators and service providers and manufacturers of transportation equipment. In particular, ISO 37154:2017 is intended to be used by those involved in making decisions about transportation modes to meet the objectives related to affordability, convenience, low environmental impact and reliability, while satisfying the needs of a diverse group of stakeholders, including city residents, visitors, government authorities, transportation operators. ISO 37154:2017 addresses smart transportation by considering the factors that shape communities, such as population, demographics, locations, local culture and history. It addresses the scope of services, features and objectives to be met through smart transportation solutions. ISO 37154:2017 does not contain technical specifications for the construction of transportation assets of facilities.
归口单位: ISO/TC 268/SC 2