This document specifies the requirements for weldable high yield strength plates and wide flats for cold forming.
It does not apply to weldable structural steels, whether or not of special quality, which are covered by other International Standards, namely:— structural steels: ISO 630 (all parts);— high yield strength flat steel products: ISO 4950-1, ISO 4950-2 and ISO 4950-3;— hot-rolled steel sheet of higher yield strength with improved formability: ISO 5951;— sheet and strip: refer to ISO/TC 17,Steel, SC 12, Continuous mill flat rolled products;— tubular products; refer to ISO/TC 5,Ferrous metal pipes and metallic fittings, SC 1, Steel tubes.Cross References:ISO 7438ISO 377ISO 14284ISO 10474ISO 7452ISO 148-1ISO 17577ISO 9034ISO 4885ISO 4948-1ISO 6892-1ISO 404ISO/TS 4949ISO 4948-2ISO 6929ISO 7788ISO 2566-1ISO/TR 9769ISO 4950-2ISO 630 (all parts)ASTM A656MISO 4950-3ISO 4950-1ISO 5951All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.