Product standard to demonstrate the compliance of base station equipment with radiofrequency electromagnetic field exposure limits (110 MHz - 100 GHz), when put into service
用于证明基站设备在投入使用时符合射频电磁场暴露极限(110 MHz-100 GHz)的产品标准
BS EN 50401:2017 is related to human exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields transmitted
by base station equipment in the frequency range 110 MHz to 100 GHz.The object is to assess the compliance of such equipment with the general public basic restrictions
(directly or indirectly via compliance with reference levels) and the workers? exposure limits values
(directly or indirectly via compliance with action levels), when it is put into service in its operational
environment.Cross References:FprEN 62232:2017IEC 62232:2017ITU-R F.1399-1ITU-R F.592-4ITU-R M.1224-1All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.