Safety of machinery. Indication, marking and actuation-Requirements for the location and operation of actuators
机械安全 指示、标记和驱动
BS EN 61310-3:2008规定了由制造商操作的致动器的安全相关要求
通过手或人体其他部位,在人机界面上。它给出了执行机构标准运动方向的一般要求致动器相对于其他致动器的布置行为与其最终效果之间的相关性。它基于IEC 60447,但也适用于非电工技术,如
它包括单个执行器以及构成组件一部分的执行器组。BS EN 61310-3:2008未规定“触摸屏”的任何要求(此类信息为
IEC 60073中给出)。交叉引用:IEC 60073:2002IEC 60447:2004IEC 61310-1IEC 61310-2ISO 1503:1977ISO 9355-2:1999ISO 12100-2:2003ISO 13851:2002EN 60073:2002EN 60447:2004EN 61310-1:2008EN 61310-2:2008EN ISO 12100-2:2003IEC 60204-1:2005IEC 60947-5-5:2005ISO 12100-1:2003ISO 13850EN 60204-1:2006EN 60947-5-5:1997+A1:
2005EN ISO 12100-1:2003EN ISO 13850:200698/37/EC98/79/EC2006/42/ECA购买本文件时提供的所有现行修订版均包含在购买本文件中。
BS EN 61310-3:2008 specifies safety-related requirements for actuators, operated by the
hand or by other parts of the human body, at the human-machine interface.It gives general requirements for- the standard direction of movement for actuators;- the arrangement of an actuator in relation to other actuators;- the correlation between an action and its final effects.It is based on IEC 60447 but is also applicable to non-electrotechnical technologies such as
mechanical and fluid-powered systems.It covers single actuators as well as groups of actuators forming part of an assembly.BS EN 61310-3:2008 does not specify any requirements for "touch screens" (such information is
given in IEC 60073).Cross References:IEC 60073:2002IEC 60447:2004IEC 61310-1IEC 61310-2ISO 1503:1977ISO 9355-2:1999ISO 12100-2:2003ISO 13851:2002EN 60073:2002EN 60447:2004EN 61310-1:2008EN 61310-2:2008EN ISO 12100-2:2003IEC 60204-1:2005IEC 60947-5-5:2005ISO 12100-1:2003ISO 13850EN 60204-1:2006EN 60947-5-5:1997+A1:2005EN ISO 12100-1:2003EN ISO 13850:200698/37/EC98/79/EC2006/42/ECAll current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.