Land Mobile Service; Radio equipment using integral antennas intended primarily for analogue speech; Harmonised Standard covering the essential requirements of article 3.2 of the Directive 2014/53/EU
ETSI EN 300 296涵盖了为避免有害干扰和可接受地使用可用频率而认为必要的最低特性。本文件适用于带有集成天线的设备,用于陆地移动服务中的角度调制系统,在30 MHz和1000 MHz之间的无线电频率上运行,信道间隔为12,5 kHz、20 kHz和25 kHz,主要用于模拟语音。在本文件中,对不同的无线电频段、信道间隔、环境条件和设备类型(如适用)给出了不同的要求。本文件是对ETSI EN 300 086[i]的补充。
6] ,包括带有内部或外部射频连接器的无线电设备,用于陆地移动服务。本文件可适用于[i.7]中定义的PMR446设备。请注意,PMR446设备需要包含一个接收器,并且可能需要180秒的最大传输时间和VOX。
ETSI EN 300 296 covers the minimum characteristics considered necessary in order to avoid harmful interference and to make acceptable use of the available frequencies.The present document applies to equipment with integral antennas, used in angle modulation systems in the land mobile service, operating on radio frequencies between 30 MHz and 1 000 MHz, with channel separations of 12,5 kHz, 20 kHz and 25 kHz, and is intended primarily for analogue speech.In the present document different requirements are given for the different radio frequency bands, channel separations, environmental conditions and types of equipment, where appropriate.The present document is complementary to ETSI EN 300 086 [i.6], which covers radio equipment with an internal or external RF connector, for use in the land mobile service.The present document may apply to PMR446 equipment as defined in [i.7]. Note that PMR446 equipment has a requirement to incorporate a receiver and may have requirements for 180 s maximum transmission time and VOX.