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现行 BS ISO 21905:2020
Gas turbine exhaust systems with or without waste heat recovery 带或不带余热回收的燃气轮机排气系统
发布日期: 2020-03-10
本文件规定了设计要求,并给出了材料建议 施工、建模、控制、制造、检查、测试、安装、启动和运行 带或不带余热回收装置(WHRU)的工业燃气轮机(GT)排气系统。气体 涡轮机可以在陆上或海上用于石油和天然气、化工和加工工业等行业, 公用事业或其他能源密集型用户。交叉引用:ISO 19902EN 13445-3:2014ISO 13705:2012EN 1991-1-4EN 287-1ASME B31。3EN 1011-2EN 10025-2ISO 9614ASME B16。9ISO 10494ISO 12241ISO 13916EN 13480ISO 15614-1ISO 13704ISO 3744ISO 15612ASTM C680-10EN 15614ISO 10474ISO 14555EN 10253-2ISO 15613ISO 14122EN 10025-3EN 1011-1ISO 11204ISO 4063DNV-RP-C203ISO 14731EN 12952EN 1759-1NFPA 85EN 10025-6CEN/TR 10347ASME STS-01EN 1011-3IEC 6151EN 10025-4ASME PTC 4.4购买本文件时提供的所有现行修改件均包含在购买本文件中。
This document specifies requirements and gives recommendations for the design, materials of construction, modelling, controlling, fabrication, inspection, testing, installation, start-up and operation of industrial gas turbine (GT) exhaust systems with or without waste heat recovery unit (WHRU). Gas turbines can be on-shore or off-shore for such sectors as oil and gas, chemical and process industries, utilities, or other intensive energy users.Cross References:ISO 19902EN 13445-3:2014ISO 13705:2012EN 1991-1-4EN 287-1ASME B31.3EN 1011-2EN 10025-2ISO 9614ASME B16.9ISO 10494ISO 12241ISO 13916EN 13480ISO 15614-1ISO 13704ISO 3744ISO 15612ASTM C680-10EN 15614ISO 10474ISO 14555EN 10253-2ISO 15613ISO 14122EN 10025-3EN 1011-1ISO 11204ISO 4063DNV-RP-C203ISO 14731EN 12952EN 1759-1NFPA 85EN 10025-6CEN/TR 10347ASME STS-01EN 1011-3IEC 61511EN 10025-4ASME PTC 4.4All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.
发布单位或类别: 英国-英国标准学会