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现行 BS ISO 14230-2:2016
Road vehicles. Diagnostic communication over K-Line (DoKLine)-Data link layer 公路车辆 K线诊断通信(DoKLine)
发布日期: 2016-08-31
BS ISO 14230-2:2016规定了定制的数据链路层服务,以满足基于UART的 ISO 14230-1中规定的K线车辆通信系统。它是根据 使用ISO 14229-1和ISO 15031-5中规定的诊断服务,但不限于使用 并且与车内网络的大多数其他通信需求兼容。这个 协议指定未确认的通信。K-Line(DoK-Line)诊断通信协议支持标准化服务 ISO 14229-2中规定的基本接口。本文档提供数据链路层服务,以支持不同的应用层 实施方式如下:增强的车辆诊断(与排放相关的系统诊断超出法定功能, 非排放相关系统诊断);ISO 15031、SAE J1979-DA和SAE J2012-DA中规定的排放相关OBD;此外,本文件澄清了定义的K线协议在初始化方面的差异 在ISO 9141和ISO 14230中。这一点很重要,因为服务器只支持其中一种协议 在协议执行期间,客户端必须处理所有协议的共存问题 确定程序。交叉引用:ISO 14230-4ISO/IEC 7498-1ISO9141-2:1989ISO/IEC 10731ISO 11898-1ISO11898-2ISO13400ISO 14229-2ISO14229-6ISO 14230-1ISO14230-4ISO 15031-4ISO 15031-2ISO15031-5ISO 15031-6ISO 15765-2ISO15765-4ISO 27145-3ISO 27145-4SAE J1930-DASAE 1939SAE DAJ1939-73:2010J1979-DAJ2012 DAJ2012购买本产品时包括所有当前可用的修改件文件
BS ISO 14230-2:2016 specifies data link layer services tailored to meet the requirements of UART-based vehicle communication systems on K-Line as specified in ISO 14230-1. It has been defined in accordance with the diagnostic services established in ISO 14229-1 and ISO 15031-5, but is not limited to use with them and is also compatible with most other communication needs for in-vehicle networks. The protocol specifies an unconfirmed communication.The diagnostic communication over K-Line (DoK-Line) protocol supports the standardized service primitive interface as specified in ISO 14229-2.This document provides the data link layer services to support different application layer implementations like the following:enhanced vehicle diagnostics (emissions-related system diagnostics beyond legislated functionality, non-emissions-related system diagnostics);emissions-related OBD as specified in ISO 15031, SAE J1979-DA and SAE J2012-DA;in addition, this document clarifies the differences in initialization for K-line protocols defined in ISO 9141 and ISO 14230. This is important since a server supports only one of the protocols mentioned above and the client has to handle the coexistence of all protocols during the protocol determination procedure.Cross References:ISO 14230-4ISO/IEC 7498-1ISO 9141-2:1989ISO/IEC 10731ISO 11898-1ISO 11898-2ISO 13400ISO 14229-2ISO 14229-6ISO 14230-1ISO 14230-4ISO 15031-4ISO 15031-2ISO 15031-5ISO 15031-6ISO 15765-2ISO 15765-4ISO 27145-2ISO 27145-3ISO 27145-4SAE J1930-DASAE 1939DASAE J1939-73:2010SAE J1979-DASAE J2012-DAAll current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.
发布单位或类别: 英国-英国标准学会