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现行 ASTM D8114-23a
Standard Test Method for Measurement of Effects of Automotive Engine Oils on Fuel Economy of Passenger Cars and Light-Duty Trucks in Sequence VIE Spark Ignition VIE火花点火顺序中汽车发动机油对乘用车和轻型卡车燃油经济性影响测量的标准试验方法
发布日期: 2023-10-01
1.1 本试验方法包括发动机试验程序,用于测量汽车发动机油对车辆总重小于等于3856kg的乘用车和轻型卡车燃油经济性的影响。使用3.6升排量的指定火花点火式发动机(通用汽车公司)进行试验 4. 在测功机试验台上。它适用于这些应用中使用的多粘度油。 1.2 以国际单位制表示的数值应视为标准。本标准中不包括其他计量单位。 1.2.1 例外情况-- 在没有直接等效物的情况下,如螺纹单位、国家管道螺纹/直径、管道尺寸和单一来源供应设备规范。此外,制动比燃料消耗量(BSFC)以千克/千瓦时为单位进行测量。 1.3 该试验方法安排如下: 主题 部分 介绍 范围 1. 参考文件 2. 术语 3. 试验方法总结 4. 意义和用途 5. 仪器 6. 全体的 6.1 测试发动机配置 6.2 实验室环境条件 6.3 发动机转速和扭矩控制 6.4 测功机 6.4.1 测功机扭矩 6.4.2 发动机冷却系统 6.5 外部机油系统 6.6 燃油系统 6.7 燃油流量测量 6.7.2 燃油流量计的燃油温度和压力控制 6.7.3 发动机燃油分供管的燃油温度和压力控制 6.7.4 燃油供应泵 6.7.5 燃油过滤 6.7.6 发动机进气供应 6.8 进气湿度 6.8.1 进气过滤 6.8.2 进气压力释放 6.8.3 温度测量 6.9 热电偶位置 6.9.5 AFR测定 6.10 排气和排气背压系统 6.11 排气歧管 6.11.1 实验室排气系统 6.11.2 排气背压 6.11.3 压力测量和压力传感器位置 6.12 发动机机油 6.12.2 燃油至燃油流量计 6.12.3 燃油至发动机燃油分供管 6.12.4 排气背压 6.12.5 进气 6.12.6 进气歧管真空/绝对压力 6.12.7 冷却液流量压差 6.12.8 曲轴箱压力 6.12.9 发动机硬件及相关设备 6.13 测试发动机配置 6.13.1 ECU(电源控制模块) 6.13.2 节温器断开转换板 6.13.3 线束 6.13.4 恒温器挡块离板 6.13.5 机油滤清器转接板 6.13.6 改进型节气门体总成 6.13.7 燃油分供管 6.13.8 与发动机操作相关的其他设备 6.14 试剂和材料 7. 发动机机油 7.1 测试燃料 7.2 发动机冷却液 7.3 清洁材料 7.4 仪器的准备 8. 试验台准备 8.2 发动机准备 9 发动机零件的清洁 9.2 发动机装配程序 9.3 总装说明书 9.3.1 螺栓扭矩规格 9.3.2 密封剂 9.3.3 谐波平衡器 9.3.5 恒温器 9.3.6 冷却液进口 9.3.7 机油滤清器适配器 9.3.8 油尺管 9.3.9 传感器、开关、阀门和定位器 9.3.10 点火系统 9.3.11 燃油喷射系统 9.3.12 进气系统 9.3.13 发动机管理系统 9.3.14 附件驱动装置 9.3.15 排气歧管 9.3.16 发动机飞轮和防护装置 9.3.17 组装发动机的吊装 9.3.18 引擎支架 9.3.19 非相位凸轮轴齿轮 9.3.20 内部冷却液节流孔 9.3.21 标定 10 支架/发动机校准 10.1 程序 10.1.1 参考结果报告 10.1.2 参考油/校准油的分析 10.1.3 仪器校准 10.2 发动机扭矩测量系统 10.2.3 燃油流量测量系统 10.2.4 冷却液流量测量系统 10.2.5 热电偶和温度测量系统 10.2.6 湿度测量系统 10.2.7 其他仪表 10.2.8 测试程序 11 外部机油系统 11.1 冲洗效果演示 11.2 充油准备 11.3 发动机初始启动 11.4 新发动机磨合 11.5 磨合充油 11.5.2 磨合操作条件 11.5.3 断裂标准要求- 在里面 11.5.4 例行试验操作 11.6 启动和关闭程序 11.6.1 飞行冲洗油更换程序 11.6.2 测试操作阶段 11.6.3 稳定到阶段条件 11.6.4 稳定的BSFC测量周期 11.6.5 试运行前BL油的BLB1油冲洗程序1 11.6.6 测试油运行2前BLB1油的BSFC测量 11.6.7 测试油前BL油的BLB2油冲洗程序 11.6.8 测试油前BLB2油的BSFC测量 11.6.9 BLB1与BLB2的百分比增量计算 11.6.10 测试油冲洗程序 11.6.11 试验油老化,第一阶段 11.6.12 老化(第一阶段)试验油的BSFC测量 11.6.13 测试油老化,第二阶段 11.6.14 老化(第二阶段)试验油的BSFC测量 11.6.15 机油消耗量和取样 11.6.16 试验油后BL油(BLA)的冲洗程序 11.6.17 通用测试数据记录表格 11.6.18 诊断审查程序 11.6.19 试验结果的确定 12 最终测试报告 13 精度和偏差 14 关键词 15 附件 ASTM测试监控中心组织机构 附件A1 ASTM测试监控中心:校准程序 附件A2 ASTM测试监控中心:维护活动 附件A3 ASTM测试监控中心:相关信息 附件A4 仪器的详细规范和图纸 附件A5 机油加热器Bolton 255加注程序 附件A6 发动机零件号列表 附件A7 安全注意事项 附件A8 序列VIE测试报告表和数据字典 附件A9 均值和标准差的统计方程 附件A10 确定油底壳满液位和消耗量 附件A11 燃油喷射评估 附件A12 测试前维护检查表 附件A13 窜漏通风系统要求 附件A14 试验结果的计算 附件A15 未加权基线偏移的计算 附件A16 非相位凸轮齿轮和位置执行器的安装和 GM短块装配程序 附件A17 程序 试验材料的采购 附件A18 替代燃料批准要求 附件A19 附录 有用信息 附录X1 1.4 本标准并非旨在解决与其使用相关的所有安全问题(如有)。本标准的使用者有责任在使用前制定适当的安全、健康和环境实践,并确定监管限制的适用性。 1.5 本国际标准是根据世界贸易组织技术性贸易壁垒委员会发布的《关于制定国际标准、指南和建议的原则的决定》中确立的国际公认的标准化原则制定的。 ===意义和用途====== 5.1 试验方法-- 通过使用该测试方法获得的数据提供了在可重复的实验室条件下汽车发动机油的节油能力的比较指数。已经为该试验建立了BL,以提供可与所有其他油进行比较的标准。 BL油是一种SAE 20W-30级全配方润滑剂。在没有充分复制的情况下,试验程序并不是为了精确估计两种试验油之间的差异而设计的。开发了试验方法,将试验油与BL油进行比较。最新版本的规范中讨论了用于评估发动机机油性能以满足规范要求的配套测试方法 D4485 。 5.2 使用-- 序列VIE测试方法可用于发动机机油燃油经济性规范的验收。它用于发动机润滑油的规格和分类,例如: 5.2.1 规格 D4485 。 5.2.2 API 1509。 5.2.3 SAE分类J304。 5.2.4 SAE分类J1423。
1.1 This test method covers an engine test procedure for the measurement of the effects of automotive engine oils on the fuel economy of passenger cars and light-duty trucks with gross vehicle weight 3856 kg or less. The tests are conducted using a specified spark-ignition engine with a displacement of 3.6 L (General Motors) 4 on a dynamometer test stand. It applies to multi-viscosity oils used in these applications. 1.2 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as standard. No other units of measurement are included in this standard. 1.2.1 Exceptions— Where there is no direct equivalent such as the units for screw threads, National Pipe threads/diameters, tubing size, and single source supply equipment specifications. Additionally, Brake Specific Fuel Consumption (BSFC) is measured in kilogram per kilowatt hour. 1.3 This test method is arranged as follows: Subject Section Introduction Scope 1 Referenced Documents 2 Terminology 3 Summary of Test Method 4 Significance and Use 5 Apparatus 6 General 6.1 Test Engine Configuration 6.2 Laboratory Ambient Conditions 6.3 Engine Speed and Torque Control 6.4 Dynamometer 6.4.1 Dynamometer Torque 6.4.2 Engine Cooling System 6.5 External Oil System 6.6 Fuel System 6.7 Fuel Flow Measurement 6.7.2 Fuel Temperature and Pressure Control to the Fuel Flow Meter 6.7.3 Fuel Temperature and Pressure Control to Engine Fuel Rail 6.7.4 Fuel Supply Pumps 6.7.5 Fuel Filtering 6.7.6 Engine Intake Air Supply 6.8 Intake Air Humidity 6.8.1 Intake Air Filtration 6.8.2 Intake Air Pressure Relief 6.8.3 Temperature Measurement 6.9 Thermocouple Location 6.9.5 AFR Determination 6.10 Exhaust and Exhaust Back Pressure Systems 6.11 Exhaust Manifolds 6.11.1 Laboratory Exhaust System 6.11.2 Exhaust Back Pressure 6.11.3 Pressure Measurement and Pressure Sensor Locations 6.12 Engine Oil 6.12.2 Fuel to Fuel Flow Meter 6.12.3 Fuel to Engine Fuel Rail 6.12.4 Exhaust Back Pressure 6.12.5 Intake Air 6.12.6 Intake Manifold Vacuum/Absolute Pressure 6.12.7 Coolant Flow Differential Pressure 6.12.8 Crankcase Pressure 6.12.9 Engine Hardware and Related Apparatus 6.13 Test Engine Configuration 6.13.1 ECU (Power Control Module) 6.13.2 Thermostat Block-Off Adapter Plate 6.13.3 Wiring Harness 6.13.4 Thermostat Block-Off Plate 6.13.5 Oil Filter Adapter Plate 6.13.6 Modified Throttle Body Assembly 6.13.7 Fuel Rail 6.13.8 Miscellaneous Apparatus Related to Engine Operation 6.14 Reagents and Materials 7 Engine Oil 7.1 Test Fuel 7.2 Engine Coolant 7.3 Cleaning Materials 7.4 Preparation of Apparatus 8 Test Stand Preparation 8.2 Engine Preparation 9 Cleaning of Engine Parts 9.2 Engine Assembly Procedure 9.3 General Assembly Instructions 9.3.1 Bolt Torque Specifications 9.3.2 Sealing Compounds 9.3.3 Harmonic Balancer 9.3.5 Thermostat 9.3.6 Coolant Inlet 9.3.7 Oil Filter Adapter 9.3.8 Dipstick Tube 9.3.9 Sensors, Switches, Valves, and Positioners 9.3.10 Ignition System 9.3.11 Fuel Injection System 9.3.12 Intake Air System 9.3.13 Engine Management System 9.3.14 Accessory Drive Units 9.3.15 Exhaust Manifolds 9.3.16 Engine Flywheel and Guards 9.3.17 Lifting of Assembled Engines 9.3.18 Engine Mounts 9.3.19 Non-Phased Camshaft Gears 9.3.20 Internal Coolant Orifice 9.3.21 Calibration 10 Stand/Engine Calibration 10.1 Procedure 10.1.1 Reporting of Reference Results 10.1.2 Analysis of Reference/Calibration Oils 10.1.3 Instrument Calibration 10.2 Engine Torque Measurement System 10.2.3 Fuel Flow Measurement System 10.2.4 Coolant Flow Measurement System 10.2.5 Thermocouple and Temperature Measurement System 10.2.6 Humidity Measurement System 10.2.7 Other Instrumentation 10.2.8 Test Procedure 11 External Oil System 11.1 Flush Effectiveness Demonstration 11.2 Preparation for Oil Charge 11.3 Initial Engine Start-Up 11.4 New Engine Break-In 11.5 Oil Charge for Break-In 11.5.2 Break-In Operating Conditions 11.5.3 Standard Requirements for Break-In 11.5.4 Routine Test Operation 11.6 Start-Up and Shutdown Procedures 11.6.1 Flying Flush Oil Exchange Procedures 11.6.2 Test Operating Stages 11.6.3 Stabilization to Stage Conditions 11.6.4 Stabilized BSFC Measurement Cycle 11.6.5 BLB1 Oil Flush Procedure for BL Oil Before Test Run 1 11.6.6 BSFC Measurement of BLB1 Oil Before Test Oil Run 2 11.6.7 BLB2 Oil Flush Procedure for BL Oil Before Test Oil 11.6.8 BSFC Measurement of BLB2 Oil Before Test Oil 11.6.9 Percent Delta Calculation for BLB1 vs. BLB2 11.6.10 Test Oil Flush Procedure 11.6.11 Test Oil Aging, Phase I 11.6.12 BSFC Measurement of Aged (Phase I) Test Oil 11.6.13 Test Oil Aging, Phase II 11.6.14 BSFC Measurement of Aged (Phase II) Test Oil 11.6.15 Oil Consumption and Sampling 11.6.16 Flush Procedure for BL Oil (BLA) After Test Oil 11.6.17 General Test Data Logging Forms 11.6.18 Diagnostic Review Procedures 11.6.19 Determination of Test Results 12 Final Test Report 13 Precision and Bias 14 Keywords 15 Annexes ASTM Test Monitoring Center Organization Annex A1 ASTM Test Monitoring Center: Calibration Procedures Annex A2 ASTM Test Monitoring Center: Maintenance Activities Annex A3 ASTM Test Monitoring Center: Related Information Annex A4 Detailed Specifications and Drawings of Apparatus Annex A5 Oil Heater Bolton 255 Refill Procedure Annex A6 Engine Part Number Listing Annex A7 Safety Precautions Annex A8 Sequence VIE Test Report Forms and Data Dictionary Annex A9 Statistical Equations for Mean and Standard Deviations Annex A10 Determining the Oil Sump Full Level and Consumption Annex A11 Fuel Injection Evaluation Annex A12 Pre-test Maintenance Checklist Annex A13 Blow-by Ventilation System Requirements Annex A14 Calculation of Test Results Annex A15 Calculation of Un-weighted Baseline Shift Annex A16 Non-Phased Cam Gear and Position Actuator Installation and GM Short Block Assembly Procedure Annex A17 Procedure Procurement of Test Materials Annex A18 Alternate Fuel Approval Requirements Annex A19 Appendix Useful Information Appendix X1 1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety, health, and environmental practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. 1.5 This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for the Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee. ====== Significance And Use ====== 5.1 Test Method— The data obtained from the use of this test method provide a comparative index of the fuel-saving capabilities of automotive engine oils under repeatable laboratory conditions. A BL has been established for this test to provide a standard against which all other oils can be compared. The BL oil is an SAE 20W-30 grade fully formulated lubricant. The test procedure was not designed to give a precise estimate of the difference between two test oils without adequate replication. The test method was developed to compare the test oil to the BL oil. Companion test methods used to evaluate engine oil performance for specification requirements are discussed in the latest revision of Specification D4485 . 5.2 Use— The Sequence VIE test method is useful for engine oil fuel economy specification acceptance. It is used in specifications and classifications of engine lubricating oils, such as the following: 5.2.1 Specification D4485 . 5.2.2 API 1509. 5.2.3 SAE Classification J304. 5.2.4 SAE Classification J1423.
归口单位: D02.B0.01
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