American National Standard for Acoustics - Measurement of airborne noise emitted and structure-borne vibration induced by small air-moving devices - Part 2: Structure-borne vibration measurements (a nationally adopted international standard).
ANSI/ASA S12.11-2013/Part 2 / ISO 10302-2:2011 covers vibration levels from small air-moving devices
(AMDs) with mounting footprints of less than 0.48 m - 0.90 m for the full-size test plenum defined in
ANSI/ASA S12.11/Part 1 / ISO 10302-1 and less than 0.18 m - 0.3 m for the half-size plenum.It covers all types of AMDs which can be mounted on, and are self-supported at, the discharge or inlet
plane of a test plenum box as specified in ANSI/ASA S12.11-2013/Part 1 / ISO 10302-1:2011.