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现行 AWWA JTMGT57453
Development and Implementation of a Strategic Business Plan for the City of Lafayette, Indiana 印第安纳州拉斐特市战略商业计划的制定和实施
本文介绍了战略规划的背景、发展和实施 印第安纳州拉斐特市的商业计划。拉斐特是一个位于伦敦的社区 印第安纳州中西部,人口约6.1万。2001年年中,纽约市 拉斐特发起了战略业务规划(SBP)工作,以提高组织效率 提高其四个部门的效率和绩效:土木工程 部门、水利部门、废水处理部门和街道 公共工程部。 考虑到拉斐特市存在着相互依存的文化 部门变革得到加强,所有城市部门都接受 SBP流程并接受改进的需要。理解这种相互依赖,公众 Works邀请了该市的行政领导和其他城市部门负责人 参与SBP流程。另一个市政部门随后的热情 负责人促使市长和城市行政官员将该项目扩大到最高级别 制定全市战略商业计划。包括数字。
This paper addresses the background, development, and implementation of a Strategic Business Plan by the City of Lafayette, Indiana. Lafayette is a community located in west central Indiana with a population of approximately 61,000. In mid-2001 the City of Lafayette initiated the strategic business planning (SBP) effort to increase organizational effectiveness and enhance the performance of four of its divisions: the Civil Engineering Department, the Water Department, the Wastewater Department, and the Street Department (Public Works). Given the interdependent culture that exists in the City of Lafayette, the efforts of one department to change are enhanced to the extent that all City Departments embrace the SBP process and accept the need to improve. Understanding this interdependence, Public Works invited the City's executive leadership and other City Department heads to participate in the SBP process. The subsequent enthusiasm of the other City department heads prompted the Mayor and executive City officials to expand the program to be the development of a City-wide Strategic Business Plan. Includes figure.
发布单位或类别: 美国-美国给水工程协会