Planning, Design & Installation of a Water Distribution Central Control System
从离散元件、传统的音调遥测控制方法到最先进的、基于微处理器的控制系统的演变需要有系统的规划。本文利用Hackensack Water Company(新泽西州)的经验详细介绍了规划过程,重点介绍了该过程、经济可行性/成本效益分析、推荐系统的设计和开发、最终设计图纸、规范和招标文件,以及安装,这里重点介绍了施工检查。
The evolution from a discrete component, conventional tone-telemetry method of control to a state of the art, microprocessor based control system requires methodical planning. This paper uses the Hackensack Water Company (New Jersey) experience to detail the planning process, concentrating on the process, economic feasibility/cost benefit analysis, design and development of the recommended system, final design drawings, specifications, and bid documents, and installation, here focusing on construction inspection.