The influence of environmental conditions on the testing of textile materials
报告了相对湿度和温度对一系列天然和合成聚合物织物某些物理性能影响的研究结果。交叉引用:BS 373BS 490BS 903:A35BS 1051BS 2782部分:0BS 3424:2BS 5131BS EN 20187ISO 187ISO 291ISO 471ISO 554ISO 2231ISO 2313BS 2471BS 2576BS 2862BS 2863BS 2865BS 4303BS EN 20139BS EN 22313ISO 139
Reports the results of a study of the effects of relative humidity and temperature on certain physical properties of a number of fabrics made from a range of natural and synthetic polymers.Cross References:BS 373BS 490BS 903:Part A35BS 1051BS 2782:Part 0BS 3424:Part 2BS 5131BS EN 20187ISO 187ISO 291ISO 471ISO 554ISO 2231ISO 2313BS 2471BS 2576BS 2862BS 2863BS 2865BS 4303BS EN 20139BS EN 22313ISO 139