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现行 ISO 12604-2:2024
Aircraft ground handling — Checked baggage — Part 2: Handling requirements and guidelines 飞机地面处理托运行李第2部分:处理要求和指南
发布日期: 2024-02-02
该文件规定了航空公司乘客在机场托运并将其带入飞机货舱的单个行李的行李处理要求。 本文件适用于行李分类、安全处理和路线处理链中的所有人工处理工作场所(集装箱和散装行李、出发和到达回路、航站楼和飞机上,不包括乘客值机流程)。 本文件没有规定进出机场航站楼的行李处理系统,除了要处理的行李重量和尺寸,以及手动工作站的关键特性。 本文件未规定飞机装载系统。

This document specifies the requirements of baggage handling for individual pieces of baggage checked-in by airline passengers at airports to be carried into aircraft cargo holds.

This document applies to all manual handling workplaces in the processing chain for sorting, safety handling and routing of the baggage (containers and bulk baggage, departure and arrival circuits, at terminal and at aircraft, excluding passenger check-in process).

This document does not specify the baggage handling systems in and out of airport terminals, except the baggage weights and dimensions to be handled, and the critical characteristics of manual workstations.

This document does not specify the aircraft loading system.

归口单位: ISO/TC 20/SC 9