Cross References:EN 19:2002EN 558:2008EN 736-1EN 736-2EN 736-3EN 1057EN 1092-3:2003EN 1759-3:2003EN 1982:2008EN 12163:1998EN 12164:1998EN 12167:1998EN 12168:1998EN 12266-1:2003EN 12266-2:2002EN 12420:1999EN 12449EN 12516-3EN 12570EN ISO 228-1:2003ISO 228-1:2000EN ISO 5210:1991ISO 5210:1991ISO 7-1:1994ASME B1.20.1:1983EN 1254-1EN 1254-2EN 1254-3prEN 1254-5:2007EN 1333:2006EN ISO 6708:1995ISO 6708:199597/23/ECAll current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.