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现行 AC-02-05-1
Consumer Life-Cycle Cost Impacts of Energy-Efficiency Standards for Residential-Type Central Air Conditioners and Heat Pumps 住宅式中央空调和热泵能效标准对消费者生命周期成本的影响
为了支持联邦政府提高住宅式中央空调和热泵最低能效标准的努力,进行了消费者生命周期成本(LCC)分析,以证明标准修订对单个消费者的经济影响。LCC是消费者购买和安装空调或热泵,并在其使用寿命内运行机组的成本。LCC分析是在具有全国代表性的空调和热泵消费者样本上进行的,结果是LCC影响的分布,显示了受益于标准提高或承受标准提高的消费者的百分比。与现有的最低效率标准10 SEER相比,结果表明,大多数空调和热泵用户将受益于提高效率标准13 SEER,或受到影响不大。 单位:双引文:研讨会论文,大西洋城,2002年
In support of the federal government's efforts to raise the minimum energy-efficiency standards for residential-type central air conditioners and heat pumps, a consumer life-cycle cost (LCC) analysis was conducted to demonstrate the economic impacts on individual consumers from revisions to the standards. LCC is the consumer's cost of purchasing and installing an air conditioner or heat pump and operating the unit over its lifetime. The LCC analysis is conducted on a nationally representative sample of air conditioner and heat pump consumers, resulting in a distribution of LCC impacts showing the percentage of consumers that are either benefitting or being burdened by increased standards. Relative to the existing minimum efficiency standard of 10 SEER, the results show that a majority of air conditioner and heat pump consumers will either benefit or be insignificantly impacted by increased efficiency standards of up to 13 SEER.Units: Dual
发布单位或类别: 未知国家-其他未分类