Electrical installations for lighting and beaconing of aerodromes. Technical requirements for aeronautical ground lighting control and monitoring systems. Units for selective switching and monitoring of individual lamps
机场照明和信标的电气装置 航空地面照明控制和监控系统的技术要求 单个灯具的选择性切换和监控装置
Cross References:EN 60439-1IEC 60439-1EN 60529IEC 60529EN 61000-4-5IEC 61000-4-5EN 61000-6-2IEC 61000-6-2EN 61000-6-3IEC 61000-6-3EN 61000-6-4IEC 61000-6-4EN 61822IEC 61822EN 61823IEC 61823EN 62262IEC 62262IEC/TS 61000-6-5ICAO Annex 14 Volume IICAO Annex 14 Volume IIEN 60085IEC 60085EN 61000-4-4IEC 61000-4-4EN 61000-4-6IEC 61000-4-6EN 61000-4-11IEC 61000-4-11IEC/TS 62143All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.