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现行 ISO 24146-1:2024
Ships and marine technology — Shipboard waste on inland navigation vessels — Part 1: On board management and handling 船舶和海洋技术内河船上的船上废弃物第1部分:船上管理和处理
发布日期: 2024-05-24
本文件规定了内河航行船舶运营过程中产生的废物管理要求,包括船上的处理、收集、分离、标记、处理和储存。它还描述了船到岸的接口以及废物从船到接收站的输送。 小型船只或船只可以使用本文件来改善其废物管理。 本文件还提供了世界各地任何接收站都可以从内河航行船舶中获得的废物分类和管理信息,并集中于: —?航行前防止/消除/尽量减少废物; —?从源头上最大限度地减少内河船舶上的废物; —?废物源头收集; —?将内河船上的废物分类为全球公认的明确类别,并适合世界各地任何不同的废物分类系统;—?一旦分离,废物最小化; —?船上废物储存;和 —?围绕废物处理、储存和卸载的健康和安全问题。

This document provides requirements on the management of waste generated during the operation of inland navigation vessels, including handling, collection, separation, marking, treatment, and storage on board of the vessel. It also describes the ship-to-shore interface and the delivery of waste from the vessel to the reception station.

Small crafts or vessels can use this document to improve their waste management.

This document also provides information for segregating and managing waste that any reception station worldwide can expect from inland navigation vessels and concentrates on:

     prevention/elimination/minimization of waste prior to sailing;

     minimization of waste at the source on the inland vessel;

     waste collection at the source;

     waste segregation on the inland vessel into defined categories that are recognized globally and fit into any of the different waste categorization systems around the world;

     waste minimization once segregated;

     waste storage on board the vessel; and

     health and safety concerns surrounding the handling, storage, and offloading of waste.

归口单位: ISO/TC 8/SC 2