The objective of this powerpoint presentation was to assess the potential for perchlorate exposure
through drinking water. The U.S. perchlorate
experience was the motivation for the study, along with perchlorate health implications. Topics covered include: perchlorate sources and common uses; Canadian Perchlorate Survey; Canadian Perchlorate Production & Usage; Other Potential Canadian Sources of
Perchlorate; Analytical Procedures; National Defense
Sampling Locations; Perchlorate at National Defence Sites; Perchlorate & Other Land Uses; Sodium Chlorate Production in Canada; Perchlorate in Drinking Water; Raw versus Treated Drinking Water; and,Relationship to nitrate and iodide. Conclusions were that: Canadian drinking water is free of major perchlorate
perchlorate contamination in Canada does not
appear to be widespread (3 % of samples > 1 µg/L);
much lower concentrations than in the U.S.
- differences may be due to arms production; in Canada, localized impacts are associated with
specific industries/activities. Includes figures.