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作废 EN 13094:2020
Tanks for the transport of dangerous goods - Metallic gravity-discharge tanks - Design and construction 危险货物运输罐.金属重力卸料罐.设计和结构
发布日期: 2020-07-22
实施日期: 2020-07-22
本文件规定了用于运输50℃下蒸汽压力不超过110 kPa(1,1 bar)(绝对压力)物质的金属重力排放罐的设计和结构要求。 注1:重力排放罐没有最大工作压力。然而,在操作过程中,壳体中可能会出现压力,例如由于蒸汽回收系统中的流量限制或通气装置的开启压力。重要的是这些工作压力不要超过试验压力 或0.5巴,以最高者为准。 本文件规定了服务设备和结构设备的开口、封闭、管道工程、安装件的要求。 注2:本文件未规定除穿过外壳的管道外的服务设备项目的要求。 本文件适用于在公路上使用的飞机加油机。它也适用于公路和铁路运输危险货物的联运罐(如罐式集装箱和罐式互换体)。 注3本文件 不适用于固定轨道油罐车。
This document specifies requirements for the design and construction of metallic gravity-discharge tanks intended for the carriage of substances having a vapour pressure not exceeding 110 kPa (1,1 bar) (absolute pressure) at 50 °C. NOTE 1 Gravity-discharge tanks have no maximum working pressure. However, during operation, pressure in the shell may occur, for example due to flow restrictions in vapour recovery systems or opening pressures of breather devices. It is important that these operating pressures do not exceed the test pressure of the tank or 0,5 bar, whichever is the highest. This document specifies requirements for openings, closures, pipework, mountings for service equipment and structural equipment. NOTE 2 This document does not specify requirements for items of service equipment other than pipes passing through the shell. This document is applicable to aircraft refuelers that are used on public roads. It is also applicable to inter-modal tanks (e.g. tank containers and tank swap bodies) for the transport of dangerous goods by road and rail. NOTE 3 This document is not applicable to fixed rail tank wagons.
归口单位: CEN/TC 296-