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现行 ASTM E2026-24
Standard Guide for Seismic Risk Assessment of Buildings 建筑物地震风险评估的标准指南
发布日期: 2024-06-15
1.1 本指南提供了对建筑物进行地震风险评估的指导。因此,本指南可帮助用户评估财产因地震发生而遭受损失的可能性。 1.1.1 本指南中涉及的危害包括: 地震地面震动, 地震导致场地失稳,包括断层破裂、滑坡、土壤液化、侧向扩展和沉降,以及 地震引起的场外响应影响了该物业,包括大坝或堤防倒塌引发的洪水、海啸和地震。 1.1.2 本指南不涉及以下内容: 地震引发火灾和有毒物质释放。 关于建筑施工或维护的联邦、州或地方法律法规。 用户需注意,当前的联邦、州和地方法律法规可能与建筑物最初建造时的现行法律法规不同。 维护生命安全。 防止建筑物损坏。 地震风险评估报告的先前和后续用户之间,或编写报告的提供商和希望使用此类先前报告的提供商之间的合同和法律义务。 提供商和用户以及其他方(如有)之间的合同和法律义务。 1.1.3 本指南的用户有责任在使用前制定适当的生命安全和损害预防措施,并确定当前监管限制的适用性。 1.2 本指南的目标是: 1.2.1 综合并记录建筑物地震风险评估指南; 1.2.2 鼓励标准化的地震风险评估; 1.2.3 为现场和物理条件的现场观察制定指导方针,并对文件审查和研究进行适当、实用、充分和合理的地震风险评估; 1.2.4 就提供商在进行建筑物地震风险评估时合理预期和交付的内容制定指导方针;和 1.2.5 制定指导方针,使提供商能够以有意义且不会因内容或遗漏而产生误导的方式向用户传达观察结果、意见和结论。 1.3 以英寸-磅单位表示的值应被视为标准值。括号中给出的值是对国际单位制的数学转换,仅供参考,不被视为标准值。 1.4 本国际标准是根据世界贸易组织技术性贸易壁垒委员会发布的《关于制定国际标准、指南和建议的原则的决定》中确立的国际公认的标准化原则制定的。 =====意义和用途====== 4.1 用途-- 本指南旨在供希望估算建筑物可能遭受的地震损失的贷款人、贷款服务机构、保险公司和房地产股权投资者(用户)等各方自愿使用。 本指南概述了根据用户的尽职调查要求对特定用户进行地震风险评估的程序。本指南的具体目的是在持有抵押或契约的预期期限内为用户提供地震风险评估。根据本指南编制的地震风险评估应参考或说明本文件中的指南用作报告的基础,还应确定与指南的任何偏差。本指南旨在反映对地震风险评估的商业审慎和合理调查。 4.1.1 用户-- 本指南旨在帮助用户开发有关地震的信息- 建筑物或建筑物群的相关损坏潜力。 使用本指南可以部分满足用户在评估建筑物与地震相关的房地产交易潜在损失时的尽职调查要求。 4.1.2 调查类型-- 本指南为五种不同类型的评估提供了建议方法。每个都旨在满足用户不同的财务和管理需求。其中几类评估具体取决于第节中给出的地震地面运动特征 7. . 建筑稳定性(BS)-- 评估建筑物在考虑的地震地面运动期间是否会保持全部或部分垂直承载能力(见第 8. ). 场地稳定性(SS)-- 评估现场在地震中保持稳定的可能性,并且不会因断层、土壤液化、滑坡或其他可能威胁建筑物稳定性或造成重大破坏的现场反应而发生故障(见第 9 ). 建筑物损坏率(BD)-- 评估建筑物在地震地面运动中的易损性以及随时间推移的预期损坏程度。评估包括执行和完成建筑易损性评估,作为可能损失(PL)或情景损失(SL)评估,或两者兼而有之(见第 10 ). 内容损坏性(CD)-- 内容物对地震地面运动的破坏性评估。 本指南建议使用SL评估方法进行内容易损性评估(见第 11 ). 业务中断(BI)-- 评估地震造成的建筑物系统或内容物或两者的破坏对建筑物继续使用或部分使用其预期目的的影响。本指南建议使用SL评估方法进行业务中断评估(见第 12 ). 4.1.3 报告的应用及其时间相关性-- 用户应仅依赖地震风险评估报告来实现其预期的特定目的,并在确认建筑物处于评估时的状态,并且对特定建筑类型的地震危害和性能的理解没有改变后。 4.1.4 信息的可用性-- 本指南承认,提供商的意见和观察可能会受到影响,或取决于提供商在调查过程中随时可用的信息(或缺乏信息)。例如,提供商的观察可能会受到使用建筑物的人数或物业管理提供信息(如施工文件)的可用性的影响。 4.1.5 现场特定-- 地震风险评估是针对特定地点的,因为它们与位于特定地点的建筑物的地震损失估算有关。 4.2 原则-- 以下原则是本指南的组成部分,在解决任何歧义或行使用户或提供商在估算地震对建筑物造成的损失时所享有的自由裁量权时,应参考这些原则。 这些原则也应用于判断用户或提供商是否对建筑物的地震损失进行了适当的评估和估计。 4.2.1 不确定性未消除-- 任何估计都无法完全消除实际地震造成的损害的不确定性。本指南中描述的连续调查级别旨在减少但不消除有关损害估计的不确定性。本指南承认与选定评估级别相关的合理时间和成本限制。 4.2.2 不详尽-- 在某一时刻,收集信息的成本超过了信息的有用性,事实上,这可能不利于在支持调查的可用资源范围内有序完成交易。 本指南确定并建议在限制成本和时间需求与通过获取尽可能多的信息来限制未知条件或信息的不确定性这两个相互竞争的目标之间寻求平衡。 注2: 根据本指南进行的适当尽职调查不应被解释为技术上详尽无遗。在某一时刻,获得信息的成本或进行地震风险评估所需的时间可能会超过信息的有用性,事实上,这可能会对商业房地产交易的有序和及时完成造成重大损害。本指南的目的是试图在限制进行地震风险评估所固有的成本和时间需求与减少因完成额外调查而导致的未知物理缺陷的不确定性之间找到平衡。 4.2.3 调查级别-- 并非所有财产都需要同等程度的调查。根据良好的商业或惯例,选择适当的调查级别取决于受评估建筑物的类型和年龄、可用的资源和时间、预期的震动严重程度、用户的专业知识和风险承受能力,以及调查过程中开发的信息。 4.3 地震风险评估的后续使用-- 本指南认识到,为特定调查级别准备并根据本文讨论的方法进行的建筑物评估可能包括后续用户希望使用的信息,以避免重复调查。 因此,本指南描述了帮助后续用户确定使用这些结果的适当程度的程序。除了本指南中规定的具体程序外,先前报告的使用还应遵循以下原则。 4.3.1 可比性-- 对地震造成的建筑物损失的估计并不被认为是不合适的,仅仅因为它没有确定与建筑物或一组建筑物相关的所有潜在脆弱区域。地震风险评估必须根据当时和当时情况下做出的判断的合理性进行评估。根据后见之明、新信息、开发技术或分析技术的使用或其他因素,对类似参数进行的任何后续地震风险评估的结果不应被视为判断任何先前地震风险评估适当性的有效标准。 4.3.2 先前信息的使用-- 用户和提供商可以使用符合或超过本指南要求的先前报告中的信息进行指定级别的调查,前提是符合指南中规定的具体程序,包括提供商的资格。 4.3.3 事先评估达到或超过-- 如果提供商判断,为达到或超过本指南要求的指定调查级别编制的先前报告,并且自编制先前报告以来,建筑物的条件和影响现场的地震危险不太可能发生重大变化,则可以完整使用为指定调查级别编写的先前地震风险评估报告,而不考虑本指南中规定的具体程序。 在做出这一判断时,提供商应考虑报告中评估的建筑结构类型,以及与该特定建筑结构类型在最近地震中的行为相关的任何新信息,以及对现场条件的当前理解。 4.3.4 当前调查-- 在没有对可能影响当前地震风险评估的条件进行调查的情况下,不应使用之前的地震风险评估。可能的情况包括对最近地震中特定类型建筑结构的当前知识水平和经验,以及对与编制前一份报告时不同的现场条件的当前理解。 4.3.5 实际知识异常-- 如果用户或提供商实际知道之前地震风险评估报告中使用的信息不准确或怀疑不准确,则不应使用之前报告中的此类信息。 4.4 当对同一用户进行新的地震风险评估时,如果该评估符合本指南,并且调查水平高于之前的调查,则新的调查应取代之前的调查。
1.1 This guide provides guidance on conducting seismic risk assessments for buildings. As such, this guide assists a User to assess a property's potential for losses from earthquake occurrences. 1.1.1 Hazards addressed in this guide include: Earthquake ground shaking, Earthquake-caused site instability, including fault rupture, landslides, soil liquefaction, lateral spreading, and settlement, and Earthquake-caused off-site response impacting the property, including flooding from dam or dike failure, tsunamis, and seiches. 1.1.2 This guide does not address the following: Earthquake-caused fires and toxic materials releases. Federal, state, or local laws and regulations of building construction or maintenance. Users are cautioned that current federal, state, and local laws and regulations may differ from those in effect at the time of the original construction of the building(s). Preservation of life safety. Prevention of building damage. Contractual and legal obligations between prior and subsequent Users of seismic risk assessment reports or between Providers who prepared the report and those who would like to use such prior reports. Contractual and legal obligations between a Provider and a User, and other parties, if any. 1.1.3 It is the responsibility of the User of this guide to establish appropriate life safety and damage prevention practices and determine the applicability of current regulatory limitations prior to use. 1.2 The objectives of this guide are: 1.2.1 To synthesize and document guidelines for seismic risk assessment of buildings; 1.2.2 To encourage standardized seismic risk assessments; 1.2.3 To establish guidelines for field observations of the site and physical conditions, and the document review and research considered appropriate, practical, sufficient, and reasonable for seismic risk assessment; 1.2.4 To establish guidelines on what reasonably can be expected of and delivered by a Provider in conducting the seismic risk assessment of buildings; and 1.2.5 To establish guidelines by which a Provider can communicate to the User observations, opinions, and conclusions in a manner that is meaningful and not misleading either by content or by omission. 1.3 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded as standard. The values given in parentheses are mathematical conversions to SI units that are provided for information only and are not considered standard. 1.4 This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for the Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee. ====== Significance And Use ====== 4.1 Uses— This guide is intended for use on a voluntary basis by parties such as lenders, loan servicers, insurers and equity investors in real estate (Users) who wish to estimate possible earthquake losses to buildings. This guide outlines procedures for conducting a seismic risk assessment for a specific User considering the User's requirements for due diligence. The specific purpose of this guide is to provide Users with seismic risk assessment during the anticipated term for holding either the mortgage or the deed. A seismic risk assessment prepared in accordance with this guide should reference or state that the guidance in this document was used as a basis for the report and should also identify any deviations from the guidelines. This guide is intended to reflect a commercially prudent and reasonable investigation for performance of seismic risk assessments. 4.1.1 Users— This Guide is designed to assist the User in developing information about the earthquake-related damage potential of a building, or groups of buildings. Use of this guide may permit a User to satisfy, in part, their requirements for due diligence in assessing a building’s potential for losses associated with earthquakes for real estate transactions. 4.1.2 Types of Investigations— This guide provides suggested approaches for the performance of five different types of assessments. Each is intended to serve different financial and management needs of the User. Several of these types of assessment specifically depend on characterization of the earthquake ground motion as given in Section 7 . Building Stability (BS)— Assessment of whether the building will maintain vertical load-carrying capacity in whole or in part during considered earthquake ground motions (see Section 8 ). Site Stability (SS)— Assessment of the likelihood that the site will remain stable in earthquakes and is not subject to failure through faulting, soil liquefaction, landslide, or other site response that may threaten the building's stability or cause significant damage (see Section 9 ). Building Damageability (BD)— Assessment of the damageability of the building(s) during earthquake ground motions and the degree of damage expected over time. The assessment includes performing and completing the building damageability assessment as either a probable loss (PL) or a scenario loss (SL) assessment, or both (see Section 10 ). Contents Damageability (CD)— Assessment of the damageability of the contents to earthquake ground motions. This guide suggests that the contents damageability assessment be performed using the SL assessment approach (see Section 11 ). Business Interruption (BI)— Assessment of the implications for continued use or partial use of the building for its intended purpose due to earthquake damage, whether to the building systems, or contents, or both. This guide suggests that the business interruption assessment be performed using the SL assessment approach (see Section 12 ). 4.1.3 Application and Temporal Relevance of Report— The User should only rely on a seismic risk assessment report for the specific purpose that it was intended, and upon confirmation, that the building is in the condition it was at the time of assessment and that the understanding of seismic hazards and performance of the specific building type have not changed. 4.1.4 Availability of Information— This guide recognizes that a Provider’s opinions and observations may be affected or contingent on information (or the lack thereof) that is readily available to the Provider during the conduct of an investigation. For instance, a Provider’s observations may be affected by the number of people using the building or the availability of property management to provide information, such as the construction documents. 4.1.5 Site-Specific— Seismic risk assessments are site-specific in that they relate to estimation of earthquake loss to building(s) located at a specific site. 4.2 Principles— The following principles are an integral part of this guide and should be referred to in resolving any ambiguity or exercising such discretion as is accorded the User or the Provider in estimating loss to buildings from earthquakes. The principles should also be used in judging whether a User or Provider has conducted an appropriate assessment and estimation of earthquake loss to a building. 4.2.1 Uncertainty Not Eliminated— No estimate can wholly eliminate uncertainty regarding damage resulting from actual earthquakes. The successive levels of investigation described in this guide are intended to reduce, but not eliminate, uncertainty regarding the estimation of damage. This guide acknowledges the reasonable limits of time and cost related to a selected level of assessment. 4.2.2 Not Exhaustive— There is a point at which the cost to gather information outweighs the usefulness of the information and, in fact, may be detrimental to the orderly completion of transactions within the resources available to support the investigation. This guide identifies and suggests that a balance be sought between the competing goals of limiting the costs and time demands versus limiting the resulting uncertainty regarding unknown conditions or information by acquiring as much information as possible. Note 2: Appropriate due diligence according to this guide is not to be construed as technically exhaustive. There is a point at which the cost of information obtained or the time required to conduct the seismic risk assessment may outweigh the usefulness of the information and, in fact, may be a material detriment to the orderly and timely completion of a commercial real estate transaction. It is the intent of this guide to attempt to identify a balance between limiting the costs and time demands inherent in performing a seismic risk assessment and reducing the uncertainty about unknown physical deficiencies resulting from completing additional inquiry. 4.2.3 Level of Investigation— Not every property warrants the same level of investigation. Consistent with good commercial or customary practice, choosing the appropriate level of investigation is guided by the type and age of buildings subject to assessment, the resources and time available, the anticipated severity of shaking, the expertise and risk tolerance of the User, and the information developed during the course of the investigation. 4.3 Subsequent Use of Seismic Risk Assessments— This guide recognizes that assessments of buildings prepared for specified levels of investigation and performed on the basis of the approaches discussed herein may include information that subsequent Users will want to use to avoid undertaking duplicative investigations. Consequently, this guide describes procedures to assist subsequent Users in determining how appropriate it would be to use these results. Usage of prior reports is based on the following principles that should be adhered to in addition to the specific procedures set forth in this guide. 4.3.1 Comparability— An estimate of loss to buildings from earthquakes is not deemed as inappropriate merely because it did not identify all potentially vulnerable areas in connection with a building or a group of buildings. Seismic risk assessments must be evaluated based on the reasonableness of judgments made at the time and under the circumstances in which they were made. The result of any subsequent seismic risk assessments performed to similar parameters should not be considered as valid standards to judge the appropriateness of any prior seismic risk assessment based on hindsight, new information, use of developing technology or analytical techniques, or other factors. 4.3.2 Use of Prior Information— Users and Providers may use information in prior reports that meet or exceed the requirements of this guide for specified levels of investigation and then only provided that the specific procedures set forth in the guide were met, including the qualification of the Provider. 4.3.3 Prior Assessment Meets or Exceeds— A prior seismic risk assessment report prepared for specified levels of investigation may be used in its entirety, without regard to specific procedures set forth in this guide, if in the judgment of the Provider, the prior report was prepared for specified levels of investigation meeting or exceeding the requirements of this guide and the conditions of the building(s) and the seismic hazards affecting the site are not likely to have changed materially since the prior report was prepared. In making this judgment, the Provider should consider the types of building construction assessed in the report and any new information related to the behavior of that specific building construction type in recent earthquakes, as well as current understanding of the site conditions. 4.3.4 Current Investigation— Prior seismic risk assessments should not be used without current investigation of conditions likely to affect the current seismic risk assessment. Likely conditions include the current level of knowledge on and experience with building constructions of particular types in recent earthquakes, as well as current understanding of the site conditions that differ from those in existence when the prior report was prepared. 4.3.5 Actual Knowledge Exception— If the User or Provider has actual knowledge that the information being used from a prior seismic risk assessment report is not accurate or is suspected of being inaccurate, then such information from a prior report should not be used. 4.4 When a new seismic risk assessment is performed for the same User that is consistent with this guide and has a higher level of investigation than a prior investigation, then the new investigation should supersede the former one.
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