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现行 OR-16-C068
Performance Comparison of Cascade Control with Conventional Controls in Air-Handling Units for Building Pressurization 建筑增压空气处理机组串级控制与常规控制的性能比较
空气处理机组(AHU)将建筑物保持在略为正的压力下,以减少无条件室外空气的渗透。传统的AHU依靠直接建筑压力控制或带有单回路比例积分(PI)控制器的容积跟踪控制来维持正建筑压力。尽管这种类型的控制结构过于简单,但据观察,它可能会导致回风机转速波动,尤其是在直接建筑物压力控制的情况下。对于直接的建筑压力控制,由于开门引起的风和间歇性压力变化,准确、稳定的建筑压力测量具有挑战性。另一方面,建筑静压对气流差高度敏感; 气流测量中的误差使得体积跟踪方法不适用。一般来说,串级控制使控制系统更具自适应性和鲁棒性。在这种情况下,主控制器读取建筑物静压,并确定辅助控制器的流量差设定点,然后控制回风机速度。本文的目的是通过仿真评估串级控制对建筑物静压的性能,并与两种常规控制进行比较。对两种常规控制和串级控制的性能进行了仿真。结果表明,串级控制通过降低对运行条件和控制器增益变化的敏感性,提高了系统的稳定性。 引用:2016年冬季会议,佛罗里达州奥兰多,会议论文
Buildings are maintained at slightly positive pressure by air handling units (AHUs) to reduce infiltration of unconditioned outdoor air. The conventional AHUs rely either on direct building pressure control or volume tracking control with a single loop proportional integral (PI) controller to maintain positive building pressure. Even though this type of control structure is simplistic, it is observed that it may lead to hunting of return fan speed, especially with direct building pressure control. For the direct building pressure control, accurate and stable building pressure measurement is challenging due to wind and intermittent pressure changes caused by the opening of doors. On the other hand, the building static pressure is highly sensitive to the differential airflow therefore; the error in airflow measurement makes the volume tracking method unfavorable. In general, cascade control makes the control system more adaptive and robust. In this case, the primary controller reads the building static pressure and determines the differential flow rate setpoint for secondary controller which then controls the return fan speed. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the performance of the cascade control on the building static pressure in comparison with the two conventional controls by simulation. Performance of the two conventional controls as well as cascade control is simulated. The results conclude that the cascade control improves the stability of the system by reducing the sensitivity to the change in the operating conditions and controller gains.
发布单位或类别: 未知国家-其他未分类