Introductory Text1.Citation, commencement and interpretation2.Amendment of the Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 20103.Regulation 10 (giving notices, notifications and directions, and the submission of forms)4.Regulation 20 (variation of an environmental permit)5.Regulation 21 (transfer of an environmental permit)6.Regulation 24 (notification of the surrender of an environmental permit)7.Regulation 28 (notification of revisions of standard rules)8.Regulation 32 (discharge of functions)9.Regulation 35 (specific provisions applying to environmental permits)10.Regulation 46 (duty of the regulator to maintain a public register)11.Schedule 1 (activities, installations and mobile plant)12.Schedule 2 (exempt facilities: general)13.Schedule 3 (exempt facilities: descriptions and conditions)14.Schedule 5 (environmental permits)15.Schedule 9 (waste operations)16.New Schedule 9A (materials facilities)17.Schedule 14 (solvent emission activities)18.Schedule 19 (waste batteries and accumulators)19.Schedule 20 (mining waste operations)20.Schedule 24 (public registers)21.Amendment of the Natural Resources Body for Wales (Functions) Order 2013SignatureSCHEDULENew Schedule 9AExplanatory Note