The Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA) contracted with Camp
Dresser & McKee Inc. (CDM) to improve its hydraulic and water quality modeling
capabilities. This paper describes how GIS, SCADA, and fluoride tracer study
results were used to create and calibrate MWRA's model. As part of this project, a
software application (MIIGS) was written to create model input files directly from GIS
and SCADA system data. The GIS provided facility data and the SCADA system
provided operational data including diurnal demand curves for each customer meter.
Preliminary calibration was performed under a variety of conditions ranging from
low demands to maximum demands. Fluoride tracer studies were conducted to
permit a final calibration based on travel time analyses as well as a more precise
pressure calibration. To complete the project, a model maintenance procedure was
developed, and training was conducted to ensure the future development of the
model at the MWRA. Includes tables, figures.