Residential Natural Gas Market Survey, 2003 Data
住宅天然气市场调查 2003年数据
AGA F00005本报告全面介绍了住宅天然气市场,包括按城市、地区和美国整体划分的市场份额。;器械渗透;能源价格的国家比较;LIHEAP和其他支付账单的援助项目;以及对客户、吞吐量、每客户使用率、每客户收入和每Mcf收入的逐公司比较。
AGA F00005This report provides a comprehensive look at the residential natural gas market, including market shares by city, region, and overall U.S.; appliance penetration; state comparison of energy prices; LIHEAP and other bill paying assistance programs; and company-by-company comparison of customers, throughput, use per customer, revenue per customer, and revenue per Mcf.