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现行 ISO 4254-9:2018
Agricultural machinery — Safety — Part 9: Seed drills 农业机械 - 安全 - 第9部分:种子钻
发布日期: 2018-09-27
本文件旨在与ISO 4254-1一起使用,规定了安装式、半安装式、牵引式或自行式播种机的设计和施工的安全要求及其验证,包括组合式播种机和肥料播种机的播种功能,以及农业中使用的带集成和不可分离动力土壤作业工具的播种机。此外,它还规定了制造商提供的安全工作实践(包括剩余风险)信息的类型。 本文件也适用于种子在土壤中沉积、种子计量和种子储存的组件分布在两个或多个连接车辆之间的播种系统。 本文件涉及所有重大危险(如附录A所列)、与播种机相关的危险情况和事件,当它们按预期使用时,以及在制造商可预见的误用条件下,但因以下原因产生的危险除外: -静电现象, -对电气设备的外部影响, -能源供应中断, -控制系统的故障和/或故障, -驾驶员/操作员位置的能见度不足, -行驶功能(驱动、制动等), -高速旋转部件的故障, -装载种子(和肥料)的设备,以及 -除防护装置的强度要求外,用于动力传输的活动部件。 本文件不适用于 -仅为固体肥料施用而设计的肥料分配器(ISO 4254-8涵盖), -由专业服务人员进行的维护或维修,或 -环境危害(噪音除外),以及 -在其出版日期之前制造的播种机。 当本文件的要求与ISO 4254-1中规定的要求不同时,本文件的要求优先于ISO 4254-1中针对根据本文件规定设计和制造的机器的要求。
This document, intended to be used together with ISO 4254-1, specifies the safety requirements, and their verification for design and construction of mounted, semi-mounted, trailed or self-propelled seed drills, including the seeding function of combined seed and fertilizer drills, and seed drills with integrated and inseparable powered soil-working tools used in agriculture. In addition, it specifies the type of information on safe working practices (including residual risks) to be provided by the manufacturer. This document is also applicable to seeding systems where components for seed deposition in the soil, for seed metering and for seed storage are distributed between two or more linked vehicles. This document deals with all significant hazards (as listed in Annex A), hazardous situations and events relevant to seed drills, when they are used as intended and under the conditions of misuse foreseeable by the manufacturer, excepting the hazards arising from — electrostatic phenomena, — external influences on electrical equipment, — failure of energy supply, — failure and/or malfunction of the control system, — inadequate visibility from drivers'/operators' position, — travelling functions (drive, braking, etc.), — break down of parts rotating at high speed, — equipment for loading seeds (and fertilizer), and — moving parts for power transmission except for strength requirements for guards. This document is not applicable to — fertilizer distributors designed only for solid fertilizer application (covered in ISO 4254-8), — maintenance or repairs carried out by professional service personnel, or — to environmental hazards (except noise), and — to seed drills which are manufactured before the date of its publication. When requirements of this document are different from those which are stated in ISO 4254-1, the requirements of this document take precedence over the requirements of ISO 4254-1 for machines that have been designed and built according to the provisions of this document.
归口单位: ISO/TC 23/SC 3